The Details Screen (Legacy)
  • 14 May 2024
  • 17 Minutes to read
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The Details Screen (Legacy)

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Article summary

This article covers the legacy Details screen. Starting with ThreatConnect version 7.0, a new Details screen was introduced. For more information on the new Details screen, see The Details Screen.


The Details screen is the main screen where you can view and manage information and metadata for the following ThreatConnect® object types: Indicators, Groups, Tags, Tracks, and Victims. Although data displayed on the Details screen depends on the type of object you are viewing, some of the most commonly displayed information includes Attributes added to the object, Security Labels and Tags applied to the object, a list of objects associated to the object you are viewing, and insights from CAL™. This screen also provides shortcuts to various ThreatConnect features, such as reporting and Threat Graph.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)
  • Organization role of Read Only User (for viewing data on an object’s Details screen)
  • Organization role of Standard User (for editing data on an object’s Details screen and deleting objects)
  • An Indicator, Group, Tag, Track, or Victim created in one of your ThreatConnect owners
  • CAL enabled on your ThreatConnect instance and for your Organization (to view information retrieved from CAL for Indicators)

Viewing the Legacy Details Screen

  1. On the top navigation bar, hover the cursor over Browse and select an object category (i.e., Indicators, Groups, Tags, Tracks, Victims, or Victim Assets) or type (e.g., Host, Adversary) to display a results table containing objects of the selected category or type on the Browse screen.
  2. Hover over an object’s entry in the table on the Browse screen and click one of the following icons displayed in its Summary cell to display the Overview tab of the new Details screen for the object:
    • View full detailsIcon  Description automatically generated: Click this icon to open the object’s Details screen in the current browser tab.
    • View full details in new tabIcon  Description automatically generated: Click this icon to open the object’s Details screen in a new browser tab.
  3. Click the Revert to Legacy View button at the top right of the new Details screen to display the legacy Details screen for the object.

Alternatively, click on an object’s entry in the table on the Browse screen to display its Details drawer, click the View full detailsIcon  Description automatically generatedicon at the upper-right corner of the drawer to display the Overview tab of the new Details screen for the object, and then click the Revert to Legacy View button at the top right of the new Details screen to display the legacy Details screen for the object.

For a Victim Asset, no icons are displayed when hovering over its entry in the table on the Browse screen. Instead, you must click on its entry in the table to display its Details drawer and then click the View full detailsIcon  Description automatically generatedicon at the upper-right corner of the drawer. This will display the new Details screen for the Victim to which the Victim Asset belongs.

New Details Screen View

The new Details screen view is currently available for all Indicator types and the following Group types: Adversary, Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Document, Event, Incident, Intrusion Set, Malware, Report, Tactic, Threat, Tool, and Vulnerability. It is not available for Email, Signature, and Task Groups; Tags; Tracks; and Victims.

For more information on the new Details screen view, see The Details Screen.

Legacy Details Screen View

The legacy Details screen view is available for all Indicator types, Group types, Tags, Tracks, and Victims. It is the only Details screen view available for Email, Signature, and Task Groups; Tags; Tracks; and Victims. For all other object types, the new Details screen view is the default view.

Figure 1 shows the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for a Host Indicator (, and Figure 2 shows the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for an Adversary Group (Bad Guy).


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Legacy Details Screen Header


The legacy Details screen for Indicators (Figure 1) includes the following sections and elements in its header:

  • Object icon and name: This section displays the Indicator’s name and an icon denoting that it is an Indicator. This icon is the same for all Indicator types.
  • Owner: The orange rectangle at the upper-right corner of the screen displays the owner to which the Indicator belongs. If the Indicator belongs to multiple owners, a selector will be displayed to the right of the orange rectangle that allows you to view copies of the Indicator in each owner to which it belongs and to which you have access.
  • Try New Details View: Click the Try New Details View button to display the Overview tab of the new Details screen for the Indicator in the current browser tab.
  • Explore In Graph: Click the Explore In Graph button to view the Indicator in Threat Graph.
  • Pivot: Click the Pivot button to pivot to a list of all associated intelligence for the Indicator.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the Indicator. This button will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to delete data in ThreatConnect.
  • Navigation Tab Menu: The Navigation Tab Menu contains a series of tabs relevant to the particular Indicator type. See the “Object-Specific Tabs” section for descriptions of all object-specific tabs on the legacy Details screen.
  • Follow Item: Select the Follow Item checkbox on the right side of the Navigation TabMenu to receive alerts and updates on changes to the Indicator. After selecting this checkbox, select the desired notification priority level (Low, Medium, or High).
  • Active: Select the checkbox to set the Indicator Status to active, or clear the checkbox to set the Indicator Status to inactive.
  • Add to Exclusion List: Select this checkbox to add the Indicator to the Indicator Exclusion List corresponding to its Indicator type.
    The Add to Exclusion List option will be displayed for Organization and System Administrators only on ThreatConnect instances where this functionality is enabled in the system settings. If you add an Indicator to an Exclusion List using this method, the only way to remove it from the Exclusion List is via the Organization Config screen, as detailed in the “Adding an Indicator to an Exclusion List from the Details Screen” section of Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists.
  • CAL Status Lock: Select the checkbox to prevent CAL from changing the Indicator Status.


  • Object icon and name: This section displays the Group’s name and an icon corresponding to its Group type. In addition, an Editicon is displayed to the right of the Group’s name that, when clicked, allows you to edit the name. This icon will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to edit data in ThreatConnect.
  • Owner: The orange rectangle at the upper-right corner of the screen displays the owner to which the Group belongs.
  • Try New Details View: The Try New Details View button will be displayed for all Group types except Email, Signature, and Task Groups. Click this button to display the Overview tab of the new Details screen for the Group in the current browser tab.
  • Explore In Graph: Click the Explore In Graph button to view the Group in Threat Graph.
  • Create Report: Click the Create Report button to create a report for the Group and open the Report Editor in a new browser tab.
  • Pivot: Click the Pivot button to pivot to a list of all associated intelligence for the Group.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the Group. This button will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to delete data in ThreatConnect.
  • Copy To My Org: The Copy To My Org button will be displayed only for Groups that belong to a Community. Click this button to copy the Group from the Community to your Organization.
  • Download PDF: The Download PDF button will be displayed for all Group types except Document, Email, Signature, and Task Groups. Click this button to generate a PDF document of the Group.
  • UpvoteIcon  Description automatically generatedand DownvoteIcon  Description automatically generated: This section is where you can view the number of Upvote and Downvote Intel Ratings the Group has received and update the Group's Intel Rating.
  • Navigation Tab Menu: The Navigation Tab Menu contains a series of tabs relevant to the particular Group type. See the “Object-Specific Tabs” section for descriptions of all object-specific tabs on the legacy Details screen.
  • Follow Item: Select the Follow Item checkbox on the right side of the Navigation TabMenu to receive alerts and updates on changes to the Group. After selecting this checkbox, select the desired notification priority level (Low, Medium, or High).


The legacy Details screen for Tags includes the following sections and elements in its header:

  • Object icon and name: This section displays the Tag's name and an icon denoting that it is a Tag. In addition, an Editicon is displayed to the right of the Tag’s name that, when clicked, allows you to edit the name. This icon will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to edit data in ThreatConnect.
  • Owner: The orange rectangle at the upper-right corner of the screen displays the owner to which the Tag belongs.
  • Explore In Graph: Click the Explore In Graph button to view the Tag in Threat Graph.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the Tag. This button will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to delete data in ThreatConnect.
  • Navigation Tab Menu: The Navigation Tab Menu contains a series of tabs relevant to Tags. See the “Object-Specific Tabs” section for descriptions of all object-specific tabs on the legacy Details screen.
  • Follow Item: Select the Follow Item checkbox on the right side of the Navigation TabMenu to receive alerts and updates on changes to the Tag. After selecting this checkbox, select the desired notification priority level (Low, Medium, or High).

Tracks and Victims

The legacy Details screen for Tracks and Victims includes the following sections and elements in its header:

  • Object icon and name: This section displays the object's name and an icon corresponding to its type. For Victims, an Editicon is displayed to the right of the Victim's name that, when clicked, allows you to edit the name. This icon will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to edit data in ThreatConnect.
  • Owner: The orange rectangle at the upper-right corner of the screen displays the owner to which the object belongs.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the object. This button will not be displayed if you do not have permissions to delete data in ThreatConnect.
  • Navigation Tab Menu: The Navigation Tab Menu contains a series of tabs relevant to the particular object type. See the “Object-Specific Tabs” section for descriptions of all object-specific tabs on the legacy Details screen.
  • Follow Item: Select the Follow Item checkbox on the right side of the Navigation TabMenu to receive alerts and updates on changes to the object. After selecting this checkbox, select the desired notification priority level (Low, Medium, or High).

Overview Tab

The Overview tab of the legacy Details screen (Figure 1 and Figure 2) displays several cards with relevant information for the object you are viewing. Depending on the type of object you are viewing, the cards displayed on this tab will vary.


Table 1 provides a description of each card that may be displayed on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for an Indicator and the Indicator types for which the card is available.


Card NameDescriptionApplicable Indicator Type(s)
Add New CommentThe Add New Comment card is where you can create posts linked to the Indicator.All
Additional OwnersThe Additional Owners card displays any additional owners to which the Indicator belongs, along with the Threat Rating and Confidence Rating assigned to the object by those owners. If the Indicator does not belong to multiple owners, this card will not be displayed.All
ASNThe ASN card displays the autonomous system (AS) number corresponding to the ASN Indicator.ASN
AssociationsThe Associations card displays Indicators, Groups, Victim Assets, Artifacts, and Cases associated to the Indicator, as well as potential Case associations.All
AttributesThe Attributes card is where you can view the Indicator's Attributes, create new Attributes, manage existing Attributes, and pivot on Attributes.All
CIDRThe CIDR card displays the block of network IP addresses corresponding to the CIDR Indicator.CIDR
Description | SourceThe Description | Source card displays the Indicator’s default Description and Source.All
DetailsThe Details card displays the Indicator’s type, creation date, last modified date, and overall Threat and Confidence Ratings. It is also where you can set the Indicator’s Threat Rating and Confidence Rating.
The Details card will display DNS and Whois checkboxes for Host Indicators and the IP address version (IPv4 or IPv6) for Address Indicators.
Email SubjectThe Email Subject card displays the email subject corresponding to the Email Subject Indicator.Email Subject
GeoLocation DataThe GeoLocation Data card displays IP address geographic information within ThreatConnect for an Address or Host Indicator.Address; Host
Hashes | Known File OccurrencesThe Hashes | Known File Occurrences card is where you can view and edit the File Indicator’s MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 file hashes and file size. It is also where you can create File Occurrences and view the filename, run path, and date of each File Occurrence added to the Indicator.
If adding a new file hash to an existing File Indicator and a File Indicator containing that file hash exists in the same owner, you will be prompted to merge the two File Indicators into a single Indicator containing both file hashes and any Attributes, Security Labels, and Tags added to each Indicator.
HashtagThe Hashtag card displays the hashtag corresponding to the Hashtag Indicator.Hashtag
Indicator AnalyticsThe Indicator Analytics card displays information on the Indicator derived from ThreatAssess and CAL.
If a System Administrator has enabled private Indicators on your ThreatConnect instance, a Private checkbox will be displayed on the right side of the Indicator Analytics card, above the CAL Insights section. Select this checkbox to mark the Indicator as private.
Investigation LinksThe Investigation Links card provides links to search results of various third-party lookup and other information services. Each link is a shortcut to query results for the object, which will open in a new browser tab.All
MutexThe Mutex card displays the mutex corresponding to the Mutex Indicator.Mutex
Observations/False PositivesThe Observations/False Positives card is where you can view the number of observations and false positives reports for an Indicator and report it as a false positive.All
Playbook ActionsThe Playbook Actions card is where you can view and execute active Playbooks with a UserAction Trigger configured for the Indicator’s type. If there are no active Playbooks with a UserAction Trigger configured for the Indicator’s type, this card will not be displayed.All
PostsThe Posts card is where you can view posts linked to the Indicator.All
Registry KeyThe Registry Key card displays the key name, value name, and value type corresponding to the Registry Key Indicator.Registry Key
Security LabelsThe Security Labels card is where you can view and manage Security Labels applied to the Indicator.All
TagsThe Tags card is where you can view and manage Tags applied to the Indicator.All
URLThe URL card displays the URL corresponding to the URL Indicator.URL
User AgentThe User Agent card displays the user agent string corresponding to the User Agent Indicator.User Agent


Table 2 provides a description of each card that may be displayed on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for a Group and the Group types for which the card is available.


Card NameDescriptionApplicable Group Type(s)
Add New CommentThe Add New Comment card is where you can create posts linked to the Group.All
AssigneesThe Assignees card is where you can view and manage the users assigned to the Task Group.Task
AssociationsThe Associations card displays Groups, Indicators, Victim Assets, Artifacts, and Cases associated to the Group, as well as potential Artifact and Case associations.All
AttributesThe Attributes card is where you can view the Group’s Attributes, create new Attributes, manage existing Attributes, and pivot on Attributes.All
BodyThe Body card displays the body of the email corresponding to the Email Group.Email
DescriptionThe Description card displays the Group’s default Description.All Group types except Document and Signature Groups
Description | SourceThe Description | Source card displays the Group’s default Description and Source.Document; Signature
DetailsThe Details card displays the Group’s type, creation date, and last modified date.
Depending on the Group’s type, additional details may be displayed on the Details card. For example, the Event Date and Status fields will be displayed on this card for an Event Group, whereas the First Seen field will be displayed on this card for a Campaign Group.
Document FileThe Document File card is where you can view the name, type, and size of the file uploaded to the Document Group, download the file, and replace the existing file with a new one.Document
Escalate ToThe Assignees card is where you can view and manage the users to whom a Task Group will be escalated.Task
HeaderThe Header card displays the header, recipient, sender, and subject of the email corresponding to the Email Group.Email
Playbook ActionsThe Playbook Actions card is where you can view and execute active Playbooks with a UserAction Trigger configured for the Group’s type. If there are no active Playbooks with a UserAction Trigger configured for the Group’s type, this card will not be displayed.All
PostsThe Posts card is where you can view posts linked to the Group.All
Report FileThe Report File card is where you can view the name, type, and size of the file uploaded to the Report Group, view and download the file, and replace the existing file with a new one.Report
ScoreThe Score card displays the Threat Score assigned to the email corresponding to the Email Group.Email
Security LabelsThe Security Labels card is where you can view and manage Security Labels applied to the Group.All
Signature File ContentThe Signature File Content card is where you can view the name, type, size, and contents of the signature file corresponding to the Signature Group, download the file, and replace the existing file with a new one.Signature
TagsThe Tags card is where you can view and manage Tags applied to the Group.All


Table 3 provides a description of each card that may be displayed on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for a Tag.


Card NameDescription
Add New CommentThe Add New Comment card is where you can create posts linked to the Tag.
AssociationsThe Associations card displays associations between the Tag and Groups, Indicators, and Victims to which it is applied.
DescriptionThe Description card displays a description of the Tag.
DetailsThe Details card displays the date when the Tag was last used.
PostsThe Posts card is where you can view posts linked to the Tag.
Synonymous Tags
The Synonymous Tags card is displayed only for main Tags defined in Tag normalization rules and provides a list of synonymous Tags associated with the main Tag.


Table 4 provides a description of each card that may be displayed on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for a Track.


Card NameDescription
Add New CommentThe Add New Comment card is where you can create posts linked to the Track.
Contains | Does Not ContainThe Contains column of this card displays the terms that the Track contains, and the Does Not Contain column displays the terms the Track does not contain.
DescriptionFor Tracks, the Overview tab displays two Description cards. The card on the left side of the screen displays a description of the Track, whereas the one on the right side of the screen displays the number of new results for the Track and indicates whether the Track is active.
PostsThe Posts card is where you can view posts linked to the Track.


Table 5 provides a description of each card that may be displayed on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen for a Victim.


Card NameDescription
Add New CommentThe Add New Comment card is where you can create posts linked to the Victim.
AssociationsThe Associations card displays the Indicators and Groups to which the Victim is associated.
AttributesThe Attributes card is where you can view the Victim’s Attributes, create new Attributes, manage existing Attributes, and pivot on Attributes.
DescriptionThe Description card displays the Victim’s default Description.
DetailsThe Details card is where you can view and edit the Victim’s organization, sub-organization, nationality, and work location.
PostsThe Posts card is where you can view posts linked to the Victim.
Security LabelsThe Security Labels card is where you can view and manage Security Labels applied to the Victim.
TagsThe Tags card is where you can view and manage Tags applied to the Victim.

Tasks Tab

The Tasks tab (Figure 3) displays any Task Groups associated with the Indicator, Group, or Tag. To view the Details screen for an associated Task, click the Task’s name in the Subject column.

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Activity Tab

The Activity tab (Figure 4) displays an activity list for the Indicator, Group, Tag, or Victim, including a summary of the activity performed and the date and time the activity occurred.

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Associations Tab

The Associations tab (Figure 5) displays the object’s first-level associations and provides options for filtering the association objects and adding an association.

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Spaces Tab

Spaces Apps are no longer supported by ThreatConnect, but legacy Spaces Apps may be used on a case-by-case basis.
The Spaces tab (Figure 6) displays Contextually Aware Spaces Apps configured for the Indicator or Group.

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Object-Specific Tabs

Behavior Tab

File Indicators can model a special Indicator-to-Indicator association, which is based on their behavior once opened. These associations can be used to model the fact that malware may contain and create additional files or communicate with network devices The Behavior tab (Figure 7) of a File Indicator’s legacy Details screen can be used to model this behavior.

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DNS Resolutions Tab

The DNS Resolutions tab (Figure 8), available for Address Indicators, displays Hosts that have resolved to the Address, presently or historically. This allows for the automated creation of associations between the Host and the Address, as well as enables pivoting.

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Host Indicators can leverage DNS resolution tracking for ongoing resolution changes. The DNS tab (Figure 9) for Host Indicators displays two sections:

  • DNS Resolution History: This section lists the Addresses that have resolved to the Host Indicator, presently or historically.
  • Passive DNS: This section, if available, provides the ability to view a list of the subdomain resolutions and historic IP address resolutions for the Host.

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Whois Tab

The Whois tab (Figure 10) for Host Indicators provides WHOIS information, if available.

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Sharing Tab

The Sharing tab (Figure 11) allows you to contribute a Group to a Community or Source, as well as publish a Group using the Publish feature. This tab is available on the legacy Details screen for the following Group types: Adversary, Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Document, E-mail, Event, Incident, Intrusion Set, Malware, Report, Signature, Tactic, Threat, Tool, and Vulnerability.

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Assets Tab

The Assets tab (Figure 12) allows you to add assets to an Adversary Group or Victim. Assets that can be added to an Adversary include handles (aliases), phone numbers, and website URLs. Assets that can be added to a Victim include email addresses, social network accounts, network accounts, websites, and phone numbers.

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Tracking Tab

The Tracking tab (Figure 13) allows you to perform a Reverse Whois lookup on any assets added to an Adversary Group.

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Results Tab

The Results tab (Figure 14), available only for Tracks, allows you to view domains found in a Reverse Whois lookup performed on an Adversary asset.

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ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20031-01 v.12.E

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