Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists
  • 15 Mar 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists

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Article summary


Indicator Exclusion Lists are created to prevent the import of Indicators that may be deemed legitimate or non-hostile to an organization. ThreatConnect® allows System Administrators to create Indicator Exclusion Lists at the System level and Organization Administrators to create Indicator Exclusion Lists at the Organization level. See ThreatConnect System Administration Guide for more information on System-level Indicator Exclusion Lists. This article covers Organization-level Indicator Exclusion Lists.

Table 1 displays a list of features and actions and specifies whether they are affected by an Indicator Exclusion List.


Manual Creation
Structured Import
Unstructured Import
E-mail Ingestion (Phishing and Feed)
Source Feed Monitor
API Creation
API Bulk Import
Contribute/Copy to my Org
Track Import
DNS Monitoring
Indicator Exclusion Lists support wildcarding before, in the middle of, or after an Indicator. Wildcarding works for all Indicators, although it may not make sense for some Indicators, such as file hashes. In addition, for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation is supported for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, although blanket CIDR terms, such as /0 or /32 for IPv4 and /0 or /128 for IPv6, are not accepted.
If you try to create an Indicator that has been placed on an Indicator Exclusion List, a warning message will be displayed in the Create window stating that the Indicator is contained on an Organization-level Indicator Exclusion List.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)Organization role of Organization Administrator
PrerequisitesTo add an Indicator to an Organization-level Exclusion List from the Indicator’s Details screen, a System Administrator must enable the system setting that allows this functionality, and you must be on a Dedicated Cloud instance of ThreatConnect

Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists

  1. On the top navigation bar, hover the cursor over Settings A picture containing text, light  Description automatically generated and select Org Config. The Organization Config screen will be displayed with the Attribute Types tab selected.
  2. Click the Indicator Exclusions tab. The Indicator Exclusions screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

    Table  Description automatically generated


  3. Click Edit Icon  Description automatically generatedin the Options column for an Indicator (Host in this example). The Exclusion Details window for the selected Indicator type will be displayed (Figure 2).

    Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


    • Custom: Enter the Indicator(s) to be added to the Exclusion List in this text box.
    • + UPLOAD FILE: Click this button to upload a .txt file containing the Indicator(s) to be added to the Exclusion List.
      Place an asterisk (*) at the beginning and end of an Indicator to exclude all results. For example, entering ** in the URL Exclusion List will exclude any URLs that contain the string
      You can enter additional Indicators into the Custom text box after uploading an Exclusion List file. However, if you enter Indicators into the Custom text box and then upload a file, the Indicators entered before the upload will be overwritten by the file’s contents.
    • Click the SAVE button.

Clearing and Downloading Indicator Exclusion Lists

Follow Steps 1–3 in the “Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists” section to access the Exclusion Details window for an Indicator type. If an Exclusion List was previously created for an Indicator type, a DOWNLOAD button and a CLEAR button will be displayed (Figure 3).


  • CLEAR: Click this button to remove all Indicators from the Exclusion List.
  • DOWNLOAD: Click this button to download the contents of the Exclusion List in a .txt file.

Adding an Indicator to an Exclusion List from the Details Screen

On Dedicated Cloud instances of ThreatConnect, Organization and System Administrators can add an Indicator to an Organization-level Exclusion List from the Indicator’s Details screen if a System Administrator has enabled this ability on their ThreatConnect instance.

New Details Screen

On an Indicator’s Details screen, click on the Options Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists_Options button button at the upper-right corner of the screen and select Add to Exclusion List to add the Indicator to the Exclusion List corresponding to its Indicator type (Figure 4). After you select this option, a message will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen confirming that the Indicator was added to the Exclusion List.

Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists_Figure 4


You cannot reselect the Add to Exclusion List option to remove the Indicator from your Organization’s Indicator Exclusion List. See the “Removing an Indicator from an Exclusion List” section for instructions on how to remove the Indicator. Once the Indicator has been removed from the Exclusion List, the Add to Exclusion List option will be available for selection again.

Legacy Details Screen

On an Indicator’s legacy Details screen, select the Add to Exclusion List checkbox displayed in the Indicator Status section to add the Indicator to the Exclusion List corresponding to its Indicator type (Figure 5). After you select this checkbox, a message will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen confirming that the Indicator was added to the Exclusion List.

The Add to Exclusion List checkbox will be displayed for all Indicators, regardless of whether the Indicator's status is active.

Creating Indicator Exclusion Lists_Figure 5


You cannot reselect the Add to Exclusion List checkbox to remove the Indicator from your Organization’s Indicator Exclusion List. See the “Removing an Indicator from an Exclusion List” section for instructions on how to remove the Indicator. Once the Indicator has been removed from the Exclusion List, the Add to Exclusion List checkbox will be available for selection again.

Removing an Indicator from an Exclusion List

Follow these steps to remove an Indicator from your Organization’s Exclusion List:

  1. Navigate to the Indicator Exclusions tab of the Organization Config screen (Figure 1).
  2. Click EditIcon Description automatically generated for the Exclusion List corresponding to the Indicator’s type. The Exclusion Details window for that Indicator type will be displayed (Figure 3).
  3. Delete the Indicator’s entry in the Custom text box.
  4. Click the SAVE button.

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20046-01 v.09.A

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