  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary


ThreatConnect® includes a built-in reporting feature that lets you collect and organize valuable information about Groups and Cases in a document that you can share with teammates, executives, and stakeholders. Unlike a Report Group, which is a Group object containing a file uploaded to ThreatConnect, a report is a customized document that can have any of the following components:

After you build out a report, you can save it so that you and other users in your Organization can view it on the Custom Reports tab of the Reporting screen. You can also share a report via email, export it as a PDF or HTML file, and publish it as a Report Group with the report attached as a PDF or HTML file.

In addition to reports, you can create report templates that standardize the report creation process for users. Report templates can include content blocks with preconfigured text or visual elements, such as charts, images, tables, and saved graphs from Threat Graph, or placeholder sections that users can fill in after they create a report from the template. Saved report templates are available on the Templates tab of the Reporting screen, and users can leverage them when creating Group, Case, and generic reports.

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20144-01 v.04.A

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