Modeling File Behavior
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Modeling File Behavior

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Article summary


File Indicators can model a special Indicator-to-Indicator association, which is based on their behavior once opened. These associations can be used to model the fact that malware may contain and create additional files or communicate with network devices. This behavior can be modeled on a File Indicator’s Details screen.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)
  • Organization role of Read Only User (to view modeled file behavior)
  • Organization role of Standard User (to model file behavior)
PrerequisitesA File Indicator

Viewing a File Indicator’s Behavior Model

  1. Navigate to the legacy Details screen for a File Indicator.
  2. Click the Behavior tab. The Behavior screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

    Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


Modeling Behavior

File behavior is represented as a tree, with each branch consisting of one of seven Indicator types:

  • File Archive: This File Indicator contains other File Indicators.
  • File Drop: This File Indicator creates another File Indicator.
  • File Traffic: This File Indicator communicates with a Host, Address, or URL Indicator.
  • File DNS Query: This File Indicator attempts to retrieve the DNS record for a Host Indicator.
  • File Mutex: This File Indicator creates a Mutex Indicator.
  • File Registry Key: This File Indicator creates a Registry Key Indicator.
  • File User Agent: This File Indicator creates a User Agent Indicator.

Creating an Association

  1. Click AddIcon  Description automatically generatedto the left of a branch name (Figure 1). A New… button will be displayed to the right of the selected branch (Figure 2).

    Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  2. Click the New… button. The Select an Indicator window will be displayed (Figure 3).


    • Select one or more Indicators to associate to the primary File Indicator. If desired, use the Type selector and Filter box to filter Indicators by type and summary, respectively.
    • Click the SAVE button.

The new association will be displayed (Figure 4). Note that File behavior can be nested; that is, a dropped File Indicator can subsequently have its own behavior, which will be reflected in the model.

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


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20028-01 v.08.D

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