Generating a Report PDF for a Group
  • 06 Mar 2023
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Generating a Report PDF for a Group

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Article summary


In ThreatConnect®, you can generate a PDF document that provides a high-level overview of a Group and its associated objects to share with management, customers, or members of your team. You may generate PDF documents for the following Group types: Adversary, Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Event, Incident, Intrusion Set, Malware, Report, Tactic, Threat, Tool, and Vulnerability.

This article describes how to generate a PDF document of a Group from the Group’s Details screen. For information on creating customized reports for Groups using ThreatConnect’s built-in reporting feature, see Reports.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)Organization role of Read Only User
PrerequisitesA Group for which a PDF can be generated

Generating a Report PDF

New Details Screen

  1. Navigate to the Details screen for an Adversary, Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Event, Incident, Intrusion Set, Malware, Report, Tactic, Threat, Tool, or Vulnerability Group.
  2. Click Optionsin the header of the Details screen and select Download PDF from the menu that is displayed. A PDF containing a summary of the Group and its associations will be downloaded to your computer (Figure 1).Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


Legacy Details Screen

  1. Navigate to the legacy Details screen for an Adversary, Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Event, Incident, Intrusion Set, Malware, Report, Tactic, Threat, Tool, or Vulnerability Group.
  2. Click the Download PDF button in the header of the legacy Details screen. A PDF containing a summary of the Group and its associations will be downloaded to your computer (Figure 1).

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20048-01 v.09.A

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