Adding Adversary Assets
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Adding Adversary Assets

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Article summary

Minimum Role: Organization role of Standard User

Prerequisites: An Adversary Group


Assets are accounts or web resources that Adversaries leverage in support of their operations. In ThreatConnect®, assets include handles (aliases), phone numbers, and website URLs.

URL assets are distinguished from URLs used for targeted attacks—such as “watering holes”—in that URL assets are for blogs or websites used by the Adversary for non-operational uses.

Adding an Adversary Asset

  1. Navigate to the legacy Details screen for an Adversary Group.
  2. Click the Assets tab. The Assets screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams  Description automatically generated


  3. Click the + NEW ASSET button. The Create Assetwindow will be displayed (Figure 2).


    • Select Type: Select the Asset’s type. Available choices include Handle, PhoneNumber, and URL.
    • Value: Enter the Asset’s value.
    • Click the SAVE button. The new Asset will be listed in the Assets table.

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20011-01 EN v.06.C

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