Contextually Aware Spaces
  • 07 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Contextually Aware Spaces

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Article summary


Spaces Apps are no longer supported by ThreatConnect, but legacy Spaces Apps may be used on a case-by-case basis.

Contextually Aware Spaces in ThreatConnect® are analytic panes that run and display multiple Apps for use with a particular Indicator or Group in a single, convenient place. They are a powerful enrichment tool to automate and improve the way you work with specific Indicator or Group types and provide a way to bring the capabilities of popular third-party tools directly into ThreatConnect.

Contextually Aware Spaces are used with Apps that apply only to a specific type of Indicator or Group. They are accessed via the Spaces tab on the legacy Details screen for an object.  ThreatConnect also includes Central Spaces and Menu Spaces with Apps that can be applied across ThreatConnect. They are accessed via the Spaces option on the top navigation bar.
Before you can add an App to a Space, a System Administrator must install the App. System Administrators may install Spaces Apps from the TC Exchange™ Settings screen by selecting Apps from the Type dropdown at the upper left of the screen and Spaces Apps from the App Type dropdown next to the Type dropdown. See the “TC Exchange Settings Screen” section of ThreatConnect System Administration Guide for more information.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s) Organization role of Read Only User
Prerequisites An Indicator or Group for which a Contextually Aware Spaces App can be configured; a Contextually Aware Spaces App installed by a System Administrator

Adding and Configuring a Contextually Aware Spaces App

  1. Navigate to the legacy Details screen for an Indicator.
  2. Click the Spaces tab. The Spaces screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

    A picture containing background pattern  Description automatically generated


    If no Contextually Aware Spaces Apps can be configured for the selected Indicator or Group type, the + ADD APP button will be grayed out.
  3. Click the + ADD APP button. The Add App window will be displayed for the selected object type (Figure 2).

    Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


    • Select App: Select an App to add to the Space. Only Apps that apply to the selected type of Indicator or Group will be displayed in the dropdown menu.
    • Also add app to types: Select the checkbox under the menu, if available, to add the App to the Spaces screen of other Indicator types for which the App has functionality. By default, this checkbox is selected.
    • Click the ADD button.
  4. The App will be displayed in the Spaces screen (Figure 3).

    Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


  5. Most third-party integration Apps require a secret key or Application Programming Interface (API) token to work. To configure the App, click Edit Icon  Description automatically generated at the upper-right corner of the Spaces card for the App. The Configure App window will be displayed (Figure 4).
    The configuration options displayed in the Configure App window are dependent on the App selected in Step 3.

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


    • Enter or adjust the configuration options for the App.
    • Click the SAVE button.

Deleting a Contextually Aware Spaces App

  1. Follow Steps 1–2 in the “Adding and Configuring a Contextually Aware Spaces App” section to access the Spaces screen for an Indicator or Group.
  2. Click Delete Icon  Description automatically generated at the upper-right corner of the Spaces card for the App (Figure 4). The Delete App window for the selected object type will be displayed (Figure 5).


    • Remove app from all Spaces: Select this checkbox to remove the App from the Spaces screen of all other object types for which the App was installed. If the App was not installed for other object types (i.e., the Also add to types checkbox was not selected when installing the App), this checkbox will not be displayed.
    • Click the YES button to delete the App.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and TC Exchange™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20042-03 v.08.C

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