Unstructured Indicator Import
  • 20 Mar 2024
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Unstructured Indicator Import

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Article summary


The ThreatConnect® import engine can extract Indicators from unstructured documents, create them in ThreatConnect, and associate them to a Group. If desired, the source file used to upload Indicators can be saved as a Document Group and associated to the newly created Indicators.

Before performing the import, create a Group with which to associate the imported Indicators, as it will not be possible to create the Group during the import process.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)Organization role of Standard User

Performing an Unstructured Indicator Import

  1. On the top navigation bar, hover the cursor over Import and select Indicators. The Import Indicator screen will be displayed (Figure 1). Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


  2. Select UNSTRUCTURED to display the Import Indicators - Unstructured screen (Figure 2).Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    • Owner: Select an owner (i.e., Organization, Community, or Source) into which the Indicators will be imported.
    • + IMPORT FILE: Click this button to locate and select a file containing Indicators to upload.
    • Text: After a file has been uploaded, its contents will be displayed in this box. You may also enter text directly into the box.
    • Text Replacement: Use the Find: and Replace: fields to make multiple changes of the same kind to contents in the Text: box (e.g., replacing text such as “hxxp” and “[.]”to re-fang Indicators).
      • Find: Enter the text you want to locate in the Text: box.
      • Replace: Enter the new text that will replace text in the Text: box that matches the text entered in the Find: field.
      • Click the APPLY button to perform the text replacement operation.
    • History: If you performed a text replacement operation during a previous Indicator import, the values entered in the Find: and Replace: fields will be displayed in this section. Click the APPLY button to perform a text replacement operation using those same values.
    • Click the Next button.
  3. The Validate screen will be displayed (Figure 3).
    If an Indicator has been placed on an Indicator Exclusion List, the text “(excluded)” will be displayed to the right of its name in the Value column. You will also not be able to select the Indicator for import, as no checkbox will be displayed in the leftmost column.
    ThreatConnect's import engine uses regular expressions to parse Indicators from the supplied text and thus may include false positives in the list (e.g., google.com as a valid host).
    Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    • Choose Import Options: If desired, use this dropdown menu to filter Indicators by type.
    • Select the checkbox in the leftmost column for each Indicator that you want to import.
    • Private: If a System Administrator has enabled private Indicators in your ThreatConnect instance, a Private column will be displayed to the right of the Value column. Select the checkbox for each Indicator that you want to be marked as private.
    • Click the Next button.
  4. The Confirm screen will be displayed (Figure 4). Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


    • VIEW: Click the VIEW buttons in the New Indicators and Existing Indicators sections to view the new and existing Indicators, respectively, that you selected for import.
    • Click the Next button.
  5. The Optional Data screen will be displayed (Figure 5).
    The information entered on the Optional Data screen will be applied to all imported Indicators. There is currently no way to enter separate information for individual Indicators.
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


    • Description: Enter a Description for all imported Indicators.
    • Source: Enter a Source for all imported Indicators.
    • Threat Rating: Set the Threat Rating for all imported Indicators.
    • Confidence Rating: Set the Confidence Rating for all imported Indicators.
    • Active: Select this checkbox to set the Indicator Status of all imported Indicators as active, or clear the checkbox to set the Indicator Status of all imported Indicators as inactive.
    • Update Existing Status: Select this checkbox to update the Indicator Status of any imported Indicators that already exist in ThreatConnect to the status indicated by the Active checkbox. If you do not select the Update Existing Status checkbox, the Indicator Status of imported Indicators that already exist in ThreatConnect will be left unchanged.
      All imported Indicators must have the same Indicator Status. There is currently no way to set Indicator Status for individual Indicators in the unstructured-import process.
    • DNS: Select this checkbox to enable DNS resolution tracking for all imported Host Indicators.
    • Whois: Select this checkbox to enable Whois lookups for all imported Host Indicators.
    • Click the Next button.
  6. The Labels screen will be displayed (Figure 6).Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    • Security Labels: Select Security Labels to apply to all imported Indicators.
    • Tags: Enter Tags to apply all imported Indicators.
    • Click the Next button.
  7. The Save screen will be displayed (Figure 7).Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    • Create Document and associate to indicators using this file.: Select this checkbox to create a Document Group containing the source file and associate it to all imported Indicators.
      This checkbox will not be displayed if you manually entered Indicators into the Text: box in Figure 2 instead of importing them from a file, as there is no imported file with which to associate them.
    • Document Name: If you selected the Create Document and associate to indicators using this file. checkbox, a Document Name: field will be displayed automatically. Enter the name for the Document Group.
    • + NEW ASSOCIATION: Click this button to associate all imported Indicators to existing Groups. It is highly recommended that Indicators be associated to a Group; otherwise, they are orphaned and provide minimal value to future analysis.
    • If you do not want to associate all imported Indicators to existing Groups, click the SAVE button to complete the import process. Otherwise, follow Steps 8–10.
  8. Clicking the + NEW ASSOCIATION button will display the Select an Association window (Figure 8). Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  9. Use the Select Type dropdown to select the type of Group to associate with all imported Indicators. After a Group type is selected (Adversary in this example), the Select an Association window will display all Groups of that type (Figure 9). Graphical user interface, application, Teams  Description automatically generated


    • Filter: If desired, enter a search term in this field and click the magnifying glass Icon  Description automatically generated to narrow the results.
    • Select the checkbox for each Group to associate to all imported Indicators.
    • Click the SAVE button.
      When associating Groups to imported Indicators, you can only associate Groups of a single type at a time. To associate more than one Group type to all imported Indicators, repeat Step 9 for each Group type.
  10. The Save screen will display the selected Group(s) to associate to the imported Indicators (Figure 10). Click the SAVE button to complete the import process.Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    Once you have added a Group to the table, it cannot be removed. The only way to remove a Group from the table is to click the CANCEL button and restart the Indicator import process.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20008-01 v.09.C

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