Search Filters
  • 01 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Search Filters

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Article Summary

You can use filters to limit search results by owner, type, and location of match.

Filter Results by Owner

Click the OWNERS selector in the Filters section of the Search drawer to select the owners from which to include data in the search results (Figure 1).

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A My Orgs list will be displayed in place of the View <Organization name> slider for Super Users, which allows them to select the Organizations from which to include data in the search results.

To include data from your Organization in the search results, toggle the View <Organization nameslider on. To include data from a Community or Source you have access to in the search results, select the checkbox to the left of the Community or Source.

If you have access to a large number of Communities and Sources, the Intel Sources and My Communities lists will be scrollable.

To select all Communities and Sources, select the checkbox to the left of the Filter communities and Filter sources search bar, respectively. Similarly, clear the checkbox to the left of the Filter communities and Filter sources search bar to deselect all selected Communities and Sources, respectively. The Filter communities and Filter sources search bars allow you to filter the displayed Communities and Sources, respectively, which can be helpful if you want to select or deselect a particular set of Communities or Sources. In addition, you can select a single Community or Source by hovering over its name and clicking Icon  Description automatically generated only. Doing so will deselect all other owners automatically.

Super Users can select a single Organization by hovering over the Organization’s name and clicking Icon  Description automatically generatedonly. Doing so will deselect all other owners automatically.

As you select or clear the checkbox for an owner, data in the search results will update automatically to reflect your selections. In addition, the value in parentheses on the OWNERS selector will change to show the number of owners selected (or ALL if all owners are selected).

Filter Results by Type

To filter results by type (Indicator, Group, Tag, Victim, or Case), click the TYPES selector in the Filters section of the Search drawer (Figure 2). Select the desired types from the scrollable list to apply as filters. As you select or clear the checkbox for an object type, data in the search results will update automatically to reflect your selections. In addition, the value in parentheses on the TYPES selector will change to show the number of types selected (or ALL if all types are selected).

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Limit Results to Local Matches Only

To limit the results set to show only data known to your owners, toggle the Local Matches Only slider on. Doing so will limit the search results to objects that exist in the Organization(s), Communities, and Sources to which you have access. Toggling the Local Matches Only slider off allows the search feature to return matches that may not yet exist in your ThreatConnect owners, but do match a pattern for an Indicator type that could potentially be added to your owners, if desired.

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20075-03 v.06.A

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