Custom Dashboards
  • 31 Aug 2022
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Custom Dashboards

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Article summary

For instances in which custom dashboards have been enabled, the Dashboard option on the top navigation bar will display a menu with five sections (Figure 1).

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  • My Dashboards: This section displays all dashboards you created.
  • Shared Dashboards: This section displays all dashboards that have been shared throughout the Organization, including dashboards that have been created by you and shared with other users and vice versa.
  • System Dashboards: This section displays all built-in dashboards available to you, as well as any System-level dashboards created by the System Administrator(s) of the ThreatConnect instance.
  • Import Dashboard: Click this button to import a dashboard using a dashboard file (.tdb), as described in Exporting and Importing Dashboards.
  • + Create New Dashboard: This button is used to create a new dashboard, as described in the next section.

Creating a Custom Dashboard

Click the + Create New Dashboard button under the Dashboard option on the top navigation bar (Figure 1). The Create a New Dashboard window will be displayed.

Enter a name for the dashboard, and then click the SAVE button. The new dashboard will be displayed with an area prompting you to add your first dashboard card (Figure 2).

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20044-03 v.15.A

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