Editing Dashboard Layout
  • 31 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Editing Dashboard Layout

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Article Summary

The dashboard layout consists of a 16-column grid to help you visualize the row and column locations for card placement and sizing. To unlock a dashboard for editing and display the 16-column grid, click the locked Icon  Description automatically generated icon at the upper-right corner of the dashboard. The locked icon will change to the unlocked Icon  Description automatically generated icon.

Cards on a locked dashboard have a white background (Figure 1), whereas cards on an unlocked dashboard have a gray strip along the top (Figure 2).

Text, letter  Description automatically generated


Text, letter  Description automatically generated


If there is no locked or unlocked icon at the upper-right corner of a dashboard, then you do not have permission to edit that dashboard. Instead, you may copy the dashboard and then edit that copy. See Dashboard Administration for more information.

To move a card, click on the gray strip at the top of the card and drag it to another location.

You cannot place one card on top of another. If you attempt to do so, the card being moved will be placed back into its original position, and an error message will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen.

To resize the width of a card, hover the cursor over the left or right margin of the card until it turns into a horizontal double arrow. Drag the side of the card to the desired width.

To resize the height of a card, hover the cursor over the top or bottom margin of the card until it turns into a vertical double arrow. Drag the bottom of the card to the desired height.

To lock a dashboard against editing, click the unlocked Icon  Description automatically generated icon at the upper-right corner of the dashboard. The unlocked icon will change to the locked Icon  Description automatically generated icon, and the 16-column grid will no longer be displayed.

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