Creating Dashboards
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Creating Dashboards

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Article summary


On the Dashboard screen in ThreatConnect®, you can create custom dashboards that provide you and your colleagues with a convenient way to visualize and understand the data that matter most to your organization. For example, you can create a dashboard to track a specific threat actor group or intrusion set, such as APT31. Alternatively, you can create a dashboard that highlights new information related to a specific set of ATT&CK® techniques or vulnerabilities.

Before You Start

User Roles


  • To create custom dashboards, turn on custom dashboards for your Organization on the Account Settings screen (must be an Accounts Administrator, Operations Administrator, or System Administrator to perform this action).

Creating a Custom Dashboard

Follow these steps to create a custom dashboard:

  1. Hover over Dashboard on the top navigation bar and click Create New Dashboard.
  2. On the Create a New Dashboard window, enter a name for the dashboard, and then click SAVE. The new dashboard will open and display an area prompting you to add your first dashboard card (Figure 1).
    Figure 1_Creating Dashboards_7.6.2


  3. Click Add Your First Card in the middle of the dashboard or AddPlus icon_Grayat the upper-right corner of the dashboard to add one or more cards (Widget, Metric, or Query) to the dashboard.
  4. (Optional) Adjust the dashboard’s layout.
  5. (Optional) Use the menu at the upper-right corner of the dashboard to administrate the dashboard (i.e., share the dashboard, set the dashboard as your default dashboard, and so forth).

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20044-03 v.16.A

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