Viewing All Saved Graphs
  • 25 Aug 2022
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Viewing All Saved Graphs

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Article summary

To view all graphs created using the Explore in Graph feature that you saved to your ThreatConnect user account, click Graph on the top navigation bar. The Graph screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

A picture containing scatter chart  Description automatically generated


  • At the top of the Graph screen, thumbnail images for your 10 most recently saved graphs, along with the name of the graph and the date when you initially saved it, will be displayed. A graph’s thumbnail image shows the most recently saved version of the graph and reflects the zoom settings applied to the graph when you saved it.
  • Following the set of thumbnail images, a table listing all graphs saved to your ThreatConnect user account will be displayed.

Clicking on a graph’s thumbnail image or its name in the Graph Name column of the table will open the saved graph in the same browser tab displaying the Graph screen. When viewing a saved graph, its name will be displayed along the top of the screen.

Filtering and Sorting Saved Graphs

To filter saved graphs by name, enter the desired term in the search bar at the top of the screen. Graphs displayed on the Graph screen will be filtered as you enter text into the search bar. To remove the filter, highlight and delete the text entered into the search bar.

To sort saved graphs in the table by name or their most recent save date, click the Graph Name or Saved Date column header, respectively.

Renaming and Deleting Saved Graphs

Click the vertical ellipsis to the right of a saved graph’s name in its thumbnail image or in the rightmost column of its entry in the table to display a menu with the following options:

  • Rename: Select this option to rename the graph. The Rename graph window will be displayed. Enter a new, unique name for the graph and click the OK button to save your changes.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the graph. The Delete graph window will be displayed. Click the Delete button to delete the graph.

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20117-09 v.04.A

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