Artifacts Card
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Artifacts Card

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Article summary

Figure 1 shows an example of a Workflow Case’s Artifacts card, which is located below the Potential Associations card on the right side of the screen displaying the Case. To collapse or expand the Artifacts card, click anywhere at the top of the card.

You can use ThreatConnect® Intelligence Anywhere to scan a Case for Artifacts and then batch import selected Artifacts into ThreatConnect as Indicators.



Artifacts Table

The Artifacts card displays all Artifacts added to the Case in a paginated table. To view more details about an Artifact, click theBlue arrow icon pointing to the right_Workflow Caseicon to the left of its value in the Type column.


The Type column displays the Artifact’s type. Available Artifact types include all ThreatConnect Indicator types and other data types determined by ThreatConnect and your System Administrator. To sort Artifacts by type, click the Type column header.


The Summary column displays the data that the Artifact contains (or, for Artifacts that are files, the name of the file), as well as the source (i.e., the name of the user) that added the Artifact to the Case. To sort Artifacts in alphanumeric order by summary, click the Summary column header.

If an Artifact is a ThreatConnect Indicator type, anGray arrow icon pointing downward_Workflow Caseicon will be displayed to the right of its summary. If a matching Indicator exists in one of your ThreatConnect owners (i.e., Organization, Communities, and Sources), a dropdown with all of those owners will be displayed when you click this icon. Select an owner to display the Details drawer for the copy of the Indicator in that owner.

If viewing the Details drawer for an Indicator that does not exist in at least one of your owners, an AddPlus icon_Grayicon will be displayed at the upper-right corner of the drawer. Click this icon to add the Indicator to one of your owners in which it does not exist. After adding the Indicator to an owner, the Details drawer will change to show the copy of Indicator in that owner.

For Indicators that do not exist in one of your owners, a dropdown containing a Learn more about it will be displayed when you click theicon. Select this option to display a modified Details drawer for the Indicator (Figure 2).

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


This drawer can be used to view information that CAL™ has on the Indicator, if any, or to follow the investigation links to further explore the Indicator. To add the Indicator to one of your owners, click AddIcon  Description automatically generatedat the upper-right corner of the drawer and select the desired owner.

You can also view a modified Details screen for the Indicator by clicking View full detailsView full details_Details drawerat the upper-right corner of the Details drawer (Figure 3).

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


Use the Indicator Analytics section to view information CAL has on the Indicator, or follow the links in the Investigation Links section to explore the Indicator further. To add the Indicator to one of your owners, select the desired owner from the Owner dropdown at the top left of the screen and then click the SAVE button.


If an Artifact belongs to multiple Cases in your Organization, a CASES dropdown will be displayed in the Links column. Click this dropdown to select another Case in which the Artifact exists to open the Case in a new browser tab.

When creating the same Artifact in multiple Cases, you must select the Use to potentially associate cases. checkbox for each copy of the Artifact in order for each Case to be listed in the CASES dropdown.


The CAL column displays the CAL reputation score and status for all Artifacts that are ThreatConnect Indicator types. The status ( Active for the Address Artifact in Figure 1) indicates CAL’s assessment of whether the corresponding Indicator is an active Indicator of Compromise (IOC) at the current time. Depending on this assessment, one of the following statuses may be displayed below the Indicator’s CAL reputation score:

  • Active: CAL has identified the Indicator as an active IOC at the current time.
  • Inactive: CAL has identified the Indicator as an inactive IOC at the current time.

If CAL did not return data identifying whether the corresponding Indicator is active or inactive at the current time, no status will be displayed below the Artifact's CAL reputation score.


The ThreatAssess column displays the ThreatAssess score and assessment for all Artifacts that are ThreatConnect Indicator types. By default, Artifacts are sorted from highest to lowest ThreatAssess score, followed by items without a ThreatAssess score (i.e., Artifacts that are not ThreatConnect Indicator types). To reverse this sort order, click the ThreatAssess column header.

To further filter and select Artifacts by ThreatAssess score, use the Analytics Score filter in the FILTERS selector. See the “Filtering Artifacts” section for more information.


The Task column displays the name of a Task for which the Artifact was collected. If an Artifact was not collected for a Task, then no value will be displayed in the column.


The Date column displays the date and time when the Artifact was added to the Case. To sort Artifacts by date, click the Date column header.


The Status column displays the Indicator Status for all Artifacts that are ThreatConnect Indicator types:

  • ActiveActive%20IOC%20icon: This icon indicates that the Indicator corresponding to the Artifact has an active status. It is displayed for Artifacts corresponding to any Indicator, regardless of whether the Indicator exists in a ThreatConnect owner.
  • Inactive: This icon indicates that the Indicator corresponding to the Artifact has an inactive status. It is displayed only for Artifacts corresponding to Indicators that exist in a ThreatConnect owner.

Filtering Artifacts

FILTERS Selector

The FILTERS selector provides the following options for filtering Artifacts on the Artifacts card:

  • Type: Use this option to filter Artifacts by type.
  • Status: Use this option to filter Artifacts that are Indicator types by their corresponding Indicator Status (Active or Inactive). Selecting options from this menu is a way to exclude Artifacts without an Indicator Status.
  • Analytics Score: Use this option to filter Artifacts that are Indicator types by their corresponding ThreatAssess assessment levels. Selecting options from this menu is a way to exclude Artifacts without a ThreatAssess score.
  • Source: Use this option to filter Artifacts by their source (i.e., the username of the user that entered them).

After configuring the desired filters, click the APPLY button on the FILTERS selector. To reset the filters, click the CLEAR button on the FILTERS selector.

When filters are applied, an orange circleFILTER_Orange%20circleis displayed at the upper-left corner of the FILTERS selector. This element helps alert you to the fact that you might be viewing an “incomplete” set of data.

Filtering Artifacts by Summary

To filter Artifacts by summary, use the search bar at the top of the Artifacts card.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20123-02 v.02.D

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