TQL Operators and Parameters
  • 01 Oct 2024
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TQL Operators and Parameters

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Article summary


A ThreatConnect® Query Language (TQL) query expression includes a parameter name, an operator, and a value or list of values, and you can combine multiple query expressions using parentheses and AND/OR logic. This article provides a list of all TQL operators and parameters available in ThreatConnect.


Table 1 describes all of the ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL) operators in all of their acceptable forms.

Operators are case insensitive.


=, ==, EQ, EQUALSReturns objects that equal the specified value.typeName = "Adversary"
!=, NEReturns objects that do not equal the specified value.typeName != "Adversary"
>, GTReturns objects that are greater than the specified value.dateAdded > "2023-12-31"
<, LTReturns objects that are less than the specified value.dateAdded < "2023-12-31"
<=, LEQReturns objects that are less than or equal to the specified value.dateAdded <= "2023-12-31"
>=, GEQReturns objects that are greater than or equal to the specified value.dateAdded >= "2023-12-31"
INReturns objects that match any value in a list of values.typeName IN ("Host", "URL")
LIKEReturns objects that match an exact term or a pattern. Use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard to represent zero, one, or multiple characters in a pattern.typeName LIKE ("Email%")
CONTAINSReturns objects that contain the specified value.summary CONTAINS "bad"
STARTSWITHReturns objects that start with the specified value.summary STARTSWITH "CVE-"
ENDSWITHReturns objects that end with the specified value.summary ENDSWITH ".com"
NOTNegates the IN, LIKE, CONTAINS, STARTSWITH, or ENDSWITH operator or a nested query in an expression. Place NOT before the operator or nested query to be negated.
summary NOT CONTAINS "bad"
ANDLogical and that returns objects for which all conditions in the expression are true.typeName = "Host" AND dateAdded >= "2023-12-31"
ORLogical or that returns objects for which any condition in the expression is true.typeName = "Host" OR dateAdded >= "2023-12-31"


Threat Intelligence Parameters

The following subsections describe all of the TQL parameters available for threat intelligence data objects in ThreatConnect.

It is recommended to use ISO-8601-compliant formatting for TQL parameters with the Date data type.


Table 2 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Groups.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
GroupsassociatedGroupSourceStringAcceptable values:
  • API
  • TQL
  • DNS
See the “Query for Objects by Association Method” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
GroupsassociatedIndicatorIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasIndicator(id=n)
GroupsassociatedIndicatorSourceStringAcceptable values:
  • API
  • TQL
  • DNS
See the “Query for Objects by Association Method” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
GroupsattributeNNDependentSee the “Query for Attributes” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
GroupscreatedByUserAny username in the user’s Organization (e.g., createdBy = "joeuser@gmail.com")

The type of event that an Event Group represents.

Acceptable values:

  • Alert
  • Campaign
  • None
GroupsexternalDateAddedDateThe date that the Group was first created externally
GroupsexternalDateExpiresDateThe date that the Group was last modified externally
GroupsexternalLastModifiedDateThe date that the Group expires externally
GroupsfirstSeenDateThe date that the Group was first seen
GroupsgeneratedReportBooleanReturns Report Groups that were created using the Publish Report feature in the Report Editor
GroupshasAllTags()Nested QueryA nested query that returns only Groups with all specified Tags applied to them. The query must be of the form hasAllTags(id=x) or hasAllTags(id IN (x,y)), where x and y represent Tag ID numbers.
GroupshasArtifact()Nested Query
GroupshasAttribute()Nested Query
GroupshasCase()Nested Query
GroupshasGroup()Nested Query
GroupshasIndicator()Nested Query
GroupshasIntelQuery()Nested Query
GroupshasIntelRequirement()Nested Query
GroupshasSecurityLabel()Nested Query
GroupshasTag()Nested Query
GroupshasVictim()Nested Query
GroupshasVictimAsset()Nested Query
GroupsidIntegerThe ID number of a Group. This number can be found in the URL of the Group’s Details screen, between groups/ and /overview.
GroupsinsightsStringThe AI-generated summary of a Report Group
As of ThreatConnect 7.4, AI-generated summaries are available only for Report Groups in CAL™ Automated Threat Library (ATL).
GroupslastSeenDateThe date that the Group was last seen
GroupstagStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(summary="")
GroupstagOwnerIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(owner=n)
GroupstagOwnerNameStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(ownerName="")
GroupstaskAssigneeUserme is the only valid value
GroupsvictimAssetStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasVictimAsset(name="")


Table 3 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Indicators.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
IndicatorsaddressCIDRCIDR Expression
IndicatorsassociatedGroupIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasGroup(id=n)
IndicatorsassociatedGroupSourceStringAcceptable values:
  • API
  • TQL
  • DNS
See the “Query for Objects by Association Method” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
IndicatorsassociatedIndicatorSourceStringAcceptable values:
  • API
  • TQL
  • DNS
See the “Query for Objects by Association Method” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
IndicatorsattributeNNDependentSee the “Query for Attributes” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
IndicatorsdateAddedDateAcceptable formats:
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
  • yyyy-MM-dd
  • MM-dd-yyyy
IndicatorsdtLastUpdatedDateThe last date and time the Indicator was looked at with DomainTools®
IndicatorsdtMalwareScoreIntegerThe malware score for the Indicator in DomainTools
IndicatorsdtOverallScoreIntegerThe overall score for the Indicator in DomainTools
IndicatorsdtPhishingScoreIntegerThe phishing score for the Indicator in DomainTools
IndicatorsdtSpamScoreIntegerThe spam score for the Indicator in DomainTools
IndicatorsdtStatusBooleanThe domain status for the Indicator in DomainTools
IndicatorsexternalDateAddedDateThe date and time that the Indicator was first created externally
IndicatorsexternalDateExpiresDateThe date and time the Indicator expires externally
IndicatorsexternalLastModifiedDateThe date and time that the Indicator was last modified externally
IndicatorsfirstSeenDateThe date and time that the Indicator was first seen
IndicatorshasAllTags()Nested QueryA nested query that returns only Indicators with all specified Tags applied to them. The query must be of the form hasAllTags(id=x) or hasAllTags(id IN (x,y)), where x and y represent Tag ID numbers.
IndicatorshasArtifact()Nested Query
IndicatorshasAttribute()Nested Query
IndicatorshasCase()Nested Query
IndicatorshasCustomAssociation()Nested Query
IndicatorshasGroup()Nested Query
IndicatorshasIndicator()Nested Query
IndicatorshasIntelRequirement()Nested Query
IndicatorshasSecurityLabel()Nested Query
IndicatorshasTag()Nested Query
IndicatorshasVictim()Nested Query
IndicatorshasVictimAsset()Nested Query
IndicatorsidIntegerThe ID number of an Indicator. This number can be found in the URL of the Indicator’s Details screen, between indicators/ and /overview.
IndicatorslastSeenDateThe date and time that the Indicator was last seen
IndicatorsriskIqClassificationStringThe classification from the RiskIQ® enrichment data.
IndicatorsriskIqReputationScoreIntegerThe reputation score from the RiskIQ enrichment data.
IndicatorstagStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(summary="")
IndicatorstagOwnerIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(owner=n)
IndicatorstagOwnerNameStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(ownerName="")
Indicatorsvalue1StringUsed to search for Indicators that include multiple fields (e.g., File Indicators, Registry Key Indicators)
Indicatorsvalue2StringUsed to search for Indicators that include multiple fields (e.g., File Indicators, Registry Key Indicators)
Indicatorsvalue3StringUsed to search for Indicators that include multiple fields (e.g., File Indicators, Registry Key Indicators)
IndicatorsvtLastUpdatedDateThe last date and time the Indicator was looked at with VirusTotal™
IndicatorsvtMaliciousCountIntegerThe number of malicious reports for an Indicator from VirusTotal (i.e., the VirusTotal score)

Intelligence Requirements

Table 4 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Intelligence Requirements (IRs).


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
Intelligence RequirementscategoryStringThe category of an IR
Intelligence RequirementsdateAddedDateThe date and time an IR was added to ThreatConnect
Intelligence RequirementshasArtifact()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Artifacts
Intelligence RequirementshasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Cases
Intelligence RequirementshasGroup()Nested Query
A nested query for association to Groups
Intelligence RequirementshasIndicator()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Indicators
Intelligence RequirementshasTag()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Tags
Intelligence RequirementshasVictim()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Victims
Intelligence RequirementshasVictimAsset()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Victim Assets
Intelligence RequirementsidIntegerThe ID number of an IR. This number can be found in the URL of the IR’s Details screen, between intel-requirements/ and /overview.
Intelligence RequirementslastModifiedDateThe last modified date for an IR
Intelligence RequirementsownerIntegerThe ID of an IR’s owner
Intelligence RequirementsownerNameStringThe name of an IR's owner
Intelligence RequirementsrequirementStringThe summary of an IR
Intelligence RequirementssubtypeStringThe subtype of an IR
Intelligence RequirementstagStringThe name of a Tag applied to an IR
Intelligence RequirementsuniqueIdStringThe unique ID of an IR. This is the number that was entered in the ID field when the IR was created. It is found at the upper left of the header of the IR’s Details screen, both next to the Browse link and above the IR’s summary.

Intelligence Requirement Results

Table 5 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Intelligence Requirement (IR) results.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
Intelligence Requirement ResultsarchivedDateDateThe date and time an IR query result was archived
Intelligence Requirement Results
dateAddedDateThe date and time the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds was created
Intelligence Requirement ResultshasIntelRequirement()Nested Query
Intelligence Requirement ResultsidIntegerThe ID number of an IR query result
Intelligence Requirement ResultsintelIdIntegerThe ID number of the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds
Intelligence Requirement ResultsintelReqIdIntegerThe ID number of the IR to which an IR query result corresponds
Intelligence Requirement ResultsintelTypeStringThe type of ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds (e.g., Address, Host, Adversary, Campaign)
Intelligence Requirement ResultsisArchivedBooleanA flag indicating whether an IR query result has been archived
Intelligence Requirement ResultsisAssociatedBooleanA flag indicating whether an IR query result has been associated to an IR
Intelligence Requirement ResultsisFalsePositiveBooleanA flag indicating whether an IR query result has been flagged as a false positive
Intelligence Requirement ResultsisLocalBooleanA flag indicating whether an IR query result exists in the owners to which you have access on your ThreatConnect instance
Intelligence Requirement ResultslastMatchedDateDateThe date and time that an IR query result last matched the IR’s keyword query
Intelligence Requirement ResultslastModifiedDateThe date and time the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds was last modified
Intelligence Requirement ResultsownerIntegerThe ID number of the owner of the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds
Intelligence Requirement ResultsownerNameStringThe name of the owner of the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds
Intelligence Requirement ResultsscoreDecimalA weighted score indicating the relevancy of an IR query result
As of ThreatConnect 7.3.1, the score for an IR query result is not available in the ThreatConnect UI. It can be accessed only via TQL queries and the v3 API. This parameter can be used to target IR query results that have the most relevancy out of all available IR query results.
Intelligence Requirement ResultssummaryStringThe summary of the ThreatConnect object to which an IR query result corresponds


Table 6 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Tags.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
TagsactiveBooleanRead-only field that can be false for certain ATT&CK® Tags that become deprecated over time and will be excluded from places such as the ATT&CK Visualizer. The value of this parameter is true in all other cases.
TagsassociatedCaseIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasCase(id=n)
TagsassociatedGroupIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasGroup(id=n)
TagsassociatedIndicatorIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasIndicator(id=n)
TagsassociatedVictimIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasVictim(id=n)
TagshasCase()Nested Query
TagshasGroup()Nested Query
TagshasIndicator()Nested Query
TagshasVictim()Nested Query
TagsidIntegerThe ID number of a Tag. This number can be found in the URL of the Tag’s Details screen, after tag.xhtml?tag=.
TagsnameStringThe name of the Tag (case sensitive)
TagsnormalizedBooleanRead-only field that indicates if a Tag is defined as a main Tag within a Tag normalization rule.

The security coverage level assigned to an ATT&CK Tag in your Organization.

Acceptable values:

  • None
  • Weak
  • Moderate
  • Strong
TagssummaryStringThe name of the Tag (case insensitive)
TagstechniqueIdStringThe standard ID for specific MITRE ATT&CK® techniques and sub-techniques (e.g., T1234, T1234.001). The value of this parameter is null for all non-ATT&CK Tags.


Table 7 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Tracks.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
TracksassociatedIndicatorIntegerNot deprecated, because Tracks are not part of the nested-query feature

Victim Assets

Table 8 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Victim Assets.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
Victim AssetsassetString
Victim AssetsassociatedGroupIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasGroup(id=n)
Victim AssetshasGroup()Nested Query
Victim AssetshasIndicator()Nested Query
Victim AssetshasVictim()Nested Query
Victim AssetshasVictimAsset()Nested Query
Victim AssetsidInteger
Victim AssetsownerInteger
Victim AssetsownerNameString
Victim AssetssummaryString
Victim AssetstypeInteger
Victim AssetstypeNameString
Victim AssetsvictimIdInteger
Victim AssetsvictimNameString


Table 9 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Victims.


Object TypeParameterData TypeComments
VictimsassetNameStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasVictimAsset(summary="")
VictimsassetTypeIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasVictimAsset(type=n)
VictimsassetTypeNameStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasVictimAsset(typeName="")
VictimsattributeNNDependentSee the “Query for Attributes” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.
VictimshasAllTags()Nested QueryA nested query that returns only Victims with all specified Tags applied to them. The query must be of the form hasAllTags(id=x) or hasAllTags(id IN (x,y)), where x and y represent Tag ID numbers.
VictimshasAttribute()Nested Query
VictimshasGroup()Nested Query
VictimshasIndicator()Nested Query
VictimshasSecurityLabel()Nested Query
VictimshasTag()Nested Query
VictimshasVictim()Nested Query
VictimshasVictimAsset()Nested Query
VictimsidIntegerThe ID number of a Victim. This number can be found in the URL of the Victim’s Details screen, after victim.xhtml?victim=.
VictimssummaryStringEquivalent to name
VictimstagStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(summary="")
VictimstagOwnerIntegerDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(owner=n)
VictimstagOwnerNameStringDeprecated by nested query; equivalent to hasTag(ownerName="")

Workflow Parameters

The following subsections describe all of the TQL parameters available for Workflow objects in ThreatConnect.

Workflow-related TQL parameters are available only in dashboard Query cards and the ThreatConnect v3 API. They are not available on the Browse screen.
It is recommended to use ISO-8601-compliant formatting for TQL parameters with the Date data type.


Table 10 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Artifacts.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
ArtifactanalyticsScoreIntegerThe ThreatAssess assessment level of the Artifact
ArtifactcaseIdIntegerThe ID number of a Case associated with an Artifact
ArtifactdateAddedDateThe date and time at which an Artifact was added to ThreatConnect
ArtifacthasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Cases
ArtifacthasGroup()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Groups
ArtifacthasIndicator()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Indicators
ArtifacthasNote()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Notes
ArtifacthasTask()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Tasks
ArtifactidIntegerThe ID number of an Artifact
ArtifactindicatorActiveBooleanA flag indicating whether the Artifact is active
ArtifactnoteIdIntegerThe ID number of a Note associated with an Artifact
ArtifactsourceStringThe source of an Artifact
ArtifactsummaryStringThe summary of an Artifact
ArtifacttaskIdIntegerThe ID number of a Task associated with an Artifact
ArtifacttypeStringThe type name of an Artifact
ArtifacttypeNameStringThe type name of an Artifact

Artifact Types

Table 11 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Artifact types.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
ArtifactTypeactiveBooleanThe active status of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypedataTypeEnumThe data type of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypedescriptionStringThe description of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypeidIntegerThe ID number of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypeintelTypeStringThe intel type of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypemanagedBooleanThe managed status of an Artifact type
ArtifactTypenameStringThe name of an Artifact type


Table 12 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Cases.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
CaseassignedToUserOrGroupEnumThe type of Case assignee (either User or Group)
CaseassigneeNameStringThe name of the user or user group assigned to the Case
CaseattributeStringAn Attribute corresponding to a Case
CasecalScoreIntegerThe CAL score of the Case (i.e., the highest CAL score among the Case’s Artifacts with a CAL score and an active Indicator Status set by CAL)
CasecaseCloseDateDateThe date and time a Case was closed
CasecaseCloseTimeDateThe date and time a Case was closed
CasecaseCloseUserUserThe username of the user who closed a Case
CasecaseDetectionTimeDateThe date and time a security incident or threat (i.e., the event that caused a Case to be opened) was detected (e.g., by the security team)
CasecaseDetectionUserUserThe username of the user who logged a Case’s detection time
CasecaseOccurrenceTimeDateThe date and time a security incident or threat (i.e., the event that caused a Case to be opened) occurred
CasecaseOccurrenceUserUserThe username of the user who logged a Case’s occurrence time
CasecaseOpenDateDateThe date and time a Case was opened
CasecaseOpenTimeDateThe date and time a Case was opened
CasecaseOpenUserUserThe username of the user who opened a Case
CasecreatedByUserThe username of the user who created a Case
CasecreatedByIdIntegerThe user ID number of the user who created a Case
CasedateAddedDateThe date on which a Case was added to ThreatConnect
CasedescriptionStringThe description of a Case
CasehasAllTags()Nested QueryA nested query that returns only Cases with all specified Tags applied to them. The query must be of the form hasAllTags(id=x) or hasAllTags(id IN (x,y)), where x and y represent Tag ID numbers.
CasehasArtifact()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Artifacts
CasehasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Cases
CasehasGroup()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Groups
CasehasIndicator()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Indicators
CasehasNote()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Notes
CasehasTag()Nested QueryA nested query for association to labels
CasehasTask()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Tasks
CasehasWorkflowTemplate()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Workflow Templates
CaseidIntegerThe ID number of a Case
CaseidAsStringStringThe ID number of a Case as a String
CaselastUpdatedDateThe date a Case was last updated
CasemissingArtifactCountIntegerThe number of required Artifacts that have not been collected for a Case’s Tasks
CasenameStringThe name of a Case
If querying for Cases with a name that contains a backslash character (\), use a double backslash (\\) in the query to escape the single backslash. For more information, see the “Workflow-Related Queries” section of Constructing Query Expressions.
CaseownerIntegerThe ID number for the owner of a Case
CaseownerNameStringThe name of the owner of a Case
CaseresolutionStringThe resolution of a Case
CaseseverityEnumThe severity of a Case
CasestatusEnumThe status of a Case
CasetagStringThe name of a Tag applied to a Case
CasetargetIdIntegerThe user or user group ID number for a Case assignee
CasetargetTypeEnumThe target type for a Case (either User or Group)
CasethreatAssessScoreIntegerThe ThreatAssess score of a Case (i.e., the highest ThreatAssess score among the Case’s Artifacts with a ThreatAssess score)
CasetypeNameStringThe name of a Case
CasexidStringThe XID of a Case

Case Attributes

Table 13 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Case Attributes.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
CaseAttributecaseIdIntegerThe ID number of a Case to which the Attribute is added
CaseAttributedateAddedDateThe date on which the Attribute was added to the system
CaseAttributedateValDateThe date value of an Attribute (applies only to certain Attribute Types)
CaseAttributedisplayedBooleanA flag indicating whether the Attribute is displayed in a Case
CaseAttributehasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Cases
CaseAttributeidIntegerThe ID number of an Attribute
CaseAttributeintValIntegerThe integer value of an Attribute (applies only to certain Attribute Types)
CaseAttributelastModifiedDateThe date when an Attribute was last modified
CaseAttributemaxSizeIntegerThe maximum length of an Attribute’s text
CaseAttributeownerIntegerThe ID of the owner in which an Attribute exists
CaseAttributeownerNameStringThe name of the owner in which an Attribute exists
CaseAttributeshortTextStringThe short text of an Attribute (applies only to certain Attribute Types)
CaseAttributesourceStringAn Attribute’s source
CaseAttributetextStringThe text of an Attribute (applies only to certain Attribute Types)
CaseAttributetypeIntegerThe ID number of an Attribute’s Type
CaseAttributetypeNameStringThe name of an Attribute’s Type
CaseAttributeuserStringThe username of the user who created an Attribute


Table 14 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Notes.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
NoteartifactIdIntegerThe ID number of an Artifact with which a Note is associated
NoteauthorUserThe account login of a user who wrote a Note
NotecaseIdIntegerThe ID number of a Case with which a Note is associated
NotedataStringThe contents of a Note
NotedateAddedDateThe date on which a Note was written
NotehasArtifact()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Artifacts
NotehasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Cases
NotehasTask()Nested QueryA nested query for association to Tasks
NoteidIntegerThe ID number of a Case
NotelastModifiedDateThe date on which a Note was last modified
NotesummaryStringText of the first 100 characters of a Note
NotetaskIdIntegerThe ID number of a Task with which a Note is associated
NoteworkflowEventIdIntegerThe ID number of a Workflow Timeline event with which a Note is associated


Table 15 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Tasks.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
TaskassignedToUserOrGroupEnumThe type of Task assignee (either User or Group)
TaskassigneeNameStringThe name of the user or user group assigned to the Task
TaskautomatedBooleanA flag indicating whether a Task is automated
TaskcaseIdIntegerThe ID number of a Case with which a Task is associated
TaskcaseIdAsStringStringThe ID number of a Case as a String
TaskcaseSeverityEnumThe severity of a Case associated with a Task
TaskcompletedByUserThe username of a user who completed a Task
TaskcompletedDateDateThe completion date of a Task
TaskdescriptionStringThe description of a Task
TaskdueDateDateThe due date of a Task
TaskhasArtifact()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Artifacts
TaskhasCase()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Cases
TaskhasNote()Nested QueryA nested query for association to other Notes
TaskidIntegerThe ID number of a Task
TaskmissingArtifactCountIntegerThe number of required Artifacts that have not been collected for a Task
TasknameStringThe name of a Task
TaskownerIntegerThe ID of the owner in which a Task exists
TaskownerNameStringThe name of the owner in which a Task exists
TaskrequiredBooleanA flag indicating whether a Task is required or not
TaskstatusEnumThe status of a Task
TasktargetIdLongThe user or user group ID number for a Task assignee
TasktargetTypeEnumThe target type for a Task (either User or Group)
TaskworkflowPhaseIntegerThe Workflow Phase of a Task
TaskworkflowStepIntegerThe Workflow step of a Task
TaskxidStringThe XID of a Task

Workflow Events

Table 16 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Workflow Events (i.e., Timeline Events).


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
WorkflowEventcaseIdIntegerThe ID number of a Case with which a Timeline Event is associated
WorkflowEventdateAddedDateThe date on which a Timeline Event was added
WorkflowEventdeletedBooleanThe deletion status of a Timeline Event
WorkflowEventdeletedReasonStringThe reason a Timeline Event was deleted
WorkflowEventeventDateDateThe date on which a Timeline Event occurred
WorkflowEventidIntegerThe ID number of a Timeline Event
WorkflowEventlinkStringUpperThe item to which a Timeline Event pertains, in format <type>:<id>
WorkflowEventsummaryStringThe text of a Timeline Event
WorkflowEventsystemGeneratedBooleanFlag determining whether a Timeline Event was created automatically by the system
WorkflowEventuserNameStringThe username associated with a Timeline Event

Workflow Templates

Table 17 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Workflow Templates.


Workflow TypeParameterData TypeDescription
WorkflowTemplateactiveBooleanThe active status of a Workflow Template
WorkflowTemplatedescriptionStringThe description of a Workflow Template
WorkflowTemplateidIntegerThe ID number of a Workflow Template
WorkflowTemplatenameStringThe name of a Workflow Template
WorkflowTemplateownerIntegerThe ID of the owner in which a Workflow Template exists
WorkflowTemplateownerNameStringThe name of the owner in which a Workflow Template exists
WorkflowTemplatetargetIdIntegerThe user or user group ID for the default assignee for a Workflow Template
WorkflowTemplatetargetTypeEnumThe target type for a Workflow Template (either User or Group)
WorkflowTemplateversionIntegerThe version of a Workflow Template

General Parameters

The following subsections describe all of the general TQL parameters available in ThreatConnect.

Attribute Types

Table 18 provides all of the TQL parameters available for Attribute Types.


Object TypeParameterData TypeDescription
AttributeTypeassociatedTypeStringThe data type(s) for which an Attribute Type can be used
AttributeTypedefaultBooleanA flag designating whether the Attribute Type is a default Attribute Type
IntegerThe ID number of the owner in which an Attribute Preference is configured for the Attribute Type
AttributeTypedescriptionStringThe description of an Attribute Type
AttributeTypeidIntegerThe ID number of an Attribute Type
AttributeTypemaxsizeIntegerThe maximum size, in characters, of an Attribute Type’s value.
AttributeTypenameStringThe name of an Attribute Type
AttributeTypeownerIntegerThe ID number for the owner of an Attribute Type
AttributeTypeownerNameStringThe name of the owner of an Attribute Type
AttributeTypesystemBooleanA flag designating whether to show System-level Attributes (TRUE) or owner-specific Attributes only (FALSE)

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.
DomainTools® is a registered trademark of DomainTools, LLC.
VirusTotal™ is a trademark of Google, Inc.

RiskIQ® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
MITRE ATT&CK® and ATT&CK® are registered trademarks of The MITRE Corporation.

20052-04 v.24.A

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