Viewing Owner ID Numbers
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Viewing Owner ID Numbers

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Article summary


Every owner (Organization, Community, and Source) in your ThreatConnect® instance is assigned a unique identification number. You can use this number in several places, such as when you’re configuring the Cross-Intel Sharing App and need to provide the ID for the Community or Source from which you’re receiving data, or when you’re writing a query in ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL) that includes the owner parameter. This article describes the various screens where you can view an owner’s ID number in ThreatConnect.

This article discusses how to view an owner’s ID number in the ThreatConnect user interface (UI) only. If you have an API user account, you can use the ThreatConnect API to retrieve an owner’s id via a GET request to the /v2/owners or /v3/security/owners branch.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)
  • Organization role of Read Only User (for viewing an owner’s ID number on the Posts screen)
  • Organization role of Organization Administrator (for viewing an Organization’s ID number on the Account Settings screen and for viewing the ID number for a Community or Source on the Organization Settings screen)
  •  Community role of Editor or Director (for viewing the ID number of a Community or Source on the Community Config, Source Config, Community Info, and Source Info screens)
PrerequisitesAn Organization, Community, or Source created in your ThreatConnect instance

Organization ID Number

In the ThreatConnect UI, an Organization’s ID number is displayed is at the end of the URL for the following screens:

  • Posts screen for the Organization;
  • Organization Settings screen (via preview or via direct access from the Account Settings screen only).

For example, if the URL for an Organization’s Posts screen is, then that Organization’s ID number is 5.

Posts Screen

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Posts to display the Posts screen (Figure 1).

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  2. Hover over the name of your Organization in the My ThreatConnect card on the left side of the screen. A preview of the URL for the Organization’s Posts screen will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen. Alternatively, click the Organization’s name (Demo Organization in this example) to display its Posts screen (Figure 2).

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  3. Note the number at the end of the URL (in this example), as this is the ID number for the Organization.

Account Settings Screen

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with an Organization Administrator account.
  2. On the top navigation bar, hover over Settings A picture containing text, clipart, light  Description automatically generatedand select Account Settings. The Organizations tab of the Account Settings screen will be displayed (Figure 3).

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  3. Hover over an Organization’s entry in the table. A preview of the URL for its Organization Settings screen will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen.
  4. Note the number at the end of this URL, as this is the ID number for the selected Organization.
    Clicking on the name of the Organization will display its Organization Settings screen, and the URL will be displayed in the address bar. If you use a different method to navigate to an Organization’s Organization Settings screen, such as by selecting Org Settings from the SettingsA picture containing text, clipart, light  Description automatically generatedmenu, the Organization’s ID number will not be displayed in the URL.

Community or Source ID Number

The ID number for a Community or Source is displayed at the end of the URL for the following screens:

  • Posts screen for the Community or Source;
  • Community Config and Source Config screens;
  • Community Info and Source Info screens (via direct access or via preview from the Communities/Sources tab of the Account Settings screen or the or Communities/Sources tab of the Organization Settings screen).

For example, if the URL for a Community’s Community Config screen is, then that Community’s ID number is 6.

Posts Screen

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Posts to display the Posts screen (Figure 1).
  2. Hover over the name of a Community or Source in the My ThreatConnect card on the left side of the screen. A preview of the URL for the Posts screen for the Community or Source will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen. Alternatively, click the name of the Community or Source (Demo Community in this example) in the My ThreatConnect card to display its Posts screen (Figure 4).

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  3. Note the number at the end of the URL (6 in this example), as this is the ID number for the selected Community or Source.

Community Config and Source Config Screens

The following example provides instructions for accessing the Community Config screen for a Community, but you can follow the same steps to access the Source Config screen for a Source.

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with an Editor or Director account for the desired Community.
  2. On the Community’s Posts screen (Figure 4), hover over the Community ConfigIcon  Description automatically generatedicon at the upper-right corner of the Community card. A preview of the URL for the Community’s Community Config screen will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen. Alternatively, click the Community ConfigIcon  Description automatically generatedicon to navigate to the Community Config screen for the Community (Figure 5).

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  3. Note the number at the end of the URL (in this example), as this is the ID number for the Community.

Community Info and Source Info Screens

The following example provides instructions for accessing the Community Info screen for a Community, but you can follow the same steps to access the Source Info screen for a Source.

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with an Editor or Director account for the desired Community.
  2. On the Community’s Posts screen (Figure 4), hover over the Community Infoicon at the upper-right corner of the Community card. A preview of the URL for the Community’s Community Info screen will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen. Alternatively, click the Community Infoicon to navigate to the Community Info screen for the Community (Figure 6).

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  3. Note the number at the end of the URL (in this example), as this is the ID number for the Community.

Account Settings Screen

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with an Organization Administrator account.
  2. On the top navigation bar, hover over SettingsA picture containing text, clipart, light  Description automatically generatedand select Account Settings. The Organizations tab of the Account Settings screen will be displayed (Figure 3).
  3. Click the Communities/Sources tab. The Communities/Sources screen will be displayed (Figure 7).

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  4. Hover over the name of a Community or Source in the table. A preview of the URL for Community Info or Source Info screen for the Community and Source, respectively, will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen.
  5. Note the number at the end of this URL, as this is the ID number for the selected Community or Source.
    Clicking on the name of the Community or Source will display its Community Info (Figure 6) or Source Info screen, respectively.

Organization Settings Screen

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with an Organization Administrator account.
  2. On the top navigation bar, hover over Settingsand select Organization Settings. The Membership tab of the Organization Settings screen will be displayed.
  3. Click the Communities/Sources tab. The Communities/Sources screen will be displayed (Figure 8).

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  4. Hover over the name of a Community or Source in the table. A preview of the URL for Community Info or Source Info screen for the Community and Source, respectively, will be displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen.
  5. Note the number at the end of this URL, as this is the ID number for the selected Community or Source.
    Clicking on the name of the Community or Source will display its Community Info (Figure 6) or Source Info screen, respectively.

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20120-01 v.01.C

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