Saving and Exporting Graphs
  • 12 Oct 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Saving and Exporting Graphs

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Article summary

After building out an object’s graph, you may decide that you want to save it to your ThreatConnect user account and return to it at a later time or export it as an image that you can share with colleagues and stakeholders. Click the horizontal ellipsis at the upper-left corner of the screen to display a menu with the following options: Save and Export current view.

Saving a Graph

Select Save to save the graph. The Save this graph window will be displayed (Figure 1).

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  • Name this graph: Enter a unique name for the object’s graph. The name can contain only letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.
  • Click the Save button.

After clicking the Save button, a message stating that the graph was saved will be temporarily displayed at the lower-left corner of the screen, and the name of the graph (Sample Graph in this example) will be displayed along the top of the graph (Figure 2).

Chart  Description automatically generated


For saved graphs, the horizontal ellipsis at the upper-left corner of the screen will display a menu with the following options:

  • Rename this graph: Select this option to rename the graph. The Rename graph window will be displayed. Enter a new, unique name for the graph and click the OK button to save your changes.
  • Save: Select this option to save any new changes made to the graph since the last time you saved it.
  • Save a copy: Select this option to save a copy of the graph you are currently viewing. The Save a copy of this graph window will be displayed with the name of the graph you are currently viewing and the text “ - Copy” appended to it pre-populated in the Name this graph: field. If desired, enter a new, unique name, and then click the Save button. The copy of the graph will be displayed in your browser tab.
  • Export current view: Select this option to export the current view of the graph as an image file. See the “Exporting a Graph” section for more information.
  • Delete this graph: Select this option to delete the graph. The Delete graph window will be displayed. Click the Delete button to delete the saved graph.

You can view a list of all graphs saved to your ThreatConnect user account by clicking Graph on the top navigation bar.

Exporting a Graph

To export an object’s graph as it is currently displayed in your browser as an image, select Export current view and then select whether to export the current view as a PNG or JPG file (Figure 3).

Chart, scatter chart  Description automatically generated


After selecting the desired file type, an image of the object’s graph as it is currently displayed in your browser will be downloaded to your computer.

Any nodes or connections not displayed on the graph when exporting the current view will not be included in the image downloaded to your computer.

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20117-08 v.04.B

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