Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide

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Article summary

Software Version
This guide applies to the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App version 1.0.1.


The ThreatConnect® integration with Flashpoint® Ignite ingests Attributes, Events, Reports, and Vulnerabilities from Flashpoint Ignite and creates corresponding objects in ThreatConnect with select Flashpoint metadata.


ThreatConnect Dependencies

  • Active ThreatConnect Application Programming Interface (API) key
  • ThreatConnect instance with version 7.2.0 or newer installed
All ThreatConnect dependencies will be provided by default to subscribing ThreatConnect Cloud customers. Customers on Dedicated Cloud and On-Premises instances can enable these settings on the Account Settings screen within their ThreatConnect instance.

Flashpoint Ignite Dependencies

  • Active Flashpoint Ignite Token
    This is a new token that needs to be populated from the Flashpoint Ignite platform. The old FP.Tools token will not work with the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App.
  • Subscription to the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) product within the Flashpoint Ignite platform

Application Setup and Configuration

Installing the App

Follow these steps to install the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App via TC Exchange™:

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with a System Administrator account.
  2. Hover over SettingsSettings iconon the top navigation bar and select TC Exchange Settings. Then select the Catalog tab on the TC Exchange Settings screen.
  3. Locate the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App on the Catalog tab. Then click InstallPlus icon_Dark bluein the Options column to install the App.
  4. After you install the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App, the Feed Deployer will open automatically. Use the Feed Deployer to set up and configure the App. See the “Configuration Parameters” section for more information on the parameters available during the configuration and deployment process.

Updating the App [New]

If you previously installed the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App, follow these steps to update the App via TC Exchange:

The Feed Deployer is NOT used when updating the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App from version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.1.
  1. Download the attributes.json file provided for the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App on ThreatConnect's Developer Hub.
  2. Log into ThreatConnect with a System Administrator account.
  3. Hover over SettingsSettings iconon the top navigation bar and select Account Settings. Then select the Communities/Sources tab.
  4. Locate and click the name of the Source to which the current version of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App is deployed to display the Source's Source Info screen.
  5. Click the SOURCE CONFIG button on the left side of the screen to display the Source's Source Config screen.
  6. Select the Attribute Types tab.
  7. Click the UPLOAD button to display the Upload Attributes window.
  8. Click + SELECT FILE, and then locate and select the attributes.json file you downloaded in Step 1.
  9. Click SAVE.
  10. Hover over SettingsSettings iconon the top navigation bar and select TC Exchange Settings. Then select the Updates tab on the TC Exchange Settings screen.
  11. Locate the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App on the Updates tab. Then click Update NowUpdate iconin the Options column to update the App.
  12. On the top navigation bar, hover over Playbooks and select Services.
  13. Restart the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App by toggling its slider off and then on again.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Definitions [Updated]

The parameters defined in Table 1 apply to the configuration parameters available when using the Feed Deployer to configure the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App.


Source Tab
Sources to CreateEnter the name of the Source to be created.Required
OwnerEnter the Organization in which the Source will be created.Required
Activate DeprecationSelect this checkbox to allow the creation of depreciation rules for Indicators in the Source.Optional
Create AttributesSelect this checkbox to allow the creation of custom Attribute Types in the Source.Optional
Parameters Tab
Launch ServerSelect tc-job as the launch server for the Service corresponding to the Feed API Service App.Required
Flashpoint Ignite Bearer TokenEnter the Flashpoint Ignite bearer token.
This is a new token that needs to be populated from the Flashpoint Ignite platform. The old FP.Tools token will not work.
You must enter the actual Flashpoint bearer token value instead of populating this parameter with a ThreatConnect variable.
Flashpoint TypesSelect the types of Flashpoint objects to ingest. Available options include the following:
  • Event
  • FP Attribute
  • Report
  • Vulnerability
Advanced Settings

Use this setting to set default values for the following item(s) for the ThreatConnect objects to which Flashpoint data will be mapped:

  • Confidence Rating (default_confidence)
  • Threat Rating (default_rating)
  • Security Label(default_label)

If specifying multiple items, separate each one with a pipe character (|).


  • default_label=TLP:AMBER
  • default_rating=5|default_label=TLP:WHITE|default_confidence=95
The values entered in the Advanced Settings field will also be used when ad-hoc Job requests are made.

Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine

After successfully configuring and activating the Feed API Service for the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App, you can access the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine user interface (UI). This UI allows you to interact with and manage the Flashpoint Ignite integration.

Follow these steps to access the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI:

  1. Log into ThreatConnect with a System Administrator account.
  2. On the top navigation bar, hover over Playbooks and select Services.
  3. Locate the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Feed API Service on the Services screen, and then click the link in the Service’s API Path field to open the Dashboard screen of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI.

The following screens are available in the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI:

  • Dashboard
  • Jobs
  • Tasks
  • Download
  • Batch Errors
  • Attachment Status


The Dashboard screen (Figure 1) provides an overview of the total number of Flashpoint Attributes (Address, File, Host, Url); Events (Event, Malware, Intrusion Set); Reports (Report); and Vulnerabilities (Threat).

Figure 1_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0.1



The Jobs screen (Figure 2) breaks down the ingestion of Flashpoint data into manageable Job-like tasks.

Figure 2_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0.1


  • Job ID: Enter text into this box to search for a specific Job by its ID.
  • Job Type: Select a Job type by which to filter Jobs. Available types include ad-hoc and scheduled.
  • Job Status: Select a Job status by which to filter Jobs. Available statuses include the following:
    • Convert Complete
    • Convert In Progress
    • Download Complete
    • Download In Progress
    • Failed
    • Upload Complete
    • Upload In Progress
  • Add Job: Click this button to create an ad-hoc Job.

Add a Job

Follow these steps to create an ad-hoc Job on the Jobs screen of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI:

  1. Navigate to the Jobs screen of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI (Figure 2). Then click Add Job at the top right of the screen.
  2. Fill out the fields on the Add Job drawer (Figure 3) as follows:
    Figure 3_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0


    • Updated After: Select the date and time that Flashpoint data must be updated after in order to be ingested.
    • Updated Before: Select the date and time that Flashpoint data must be updated before in order to be ingested.
    • Flashpoint Types: Select the type(s) of Flashpoint objects to ingest. Available options include Event, FP Attribute, Report, and Vulnerability.
  3. Click Submit on the Add Job drawer.

After the Job is created, it will be displayed in the table on the Jobs screen (Figure 2), and its Job type will be ad-hoc.


The Tasks screen (Figure 4) is where you can view and manage the Tasks for each Job.

Figure 4_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0



The Download screen (Figure 5) is where you can download specific data from Flashpoint Ignite.

Figure 5_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0


  • External ID: Enter the Flashpoint ID (FPID) of the object to download.
  • Type: Select the type of object to download. Available options include Event, Report, and Vulnerability.

After providing a FPID and selecting a Flashpoint object type, click Download to retrieve JSON responses and view the converted threat intelligence data in ThreatConnect batch format (Figure 6). To upload the threat intelligence data to the ThreatConnect Batch API, click Upload.

Figure 6_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0


Batch Errors

The Batch Errors screen (Figure 7) displays batch errors for each request in a tabular format. Details provided for each error include the Job ID; date added; error code and message; and error reason.

Figure 7_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0


Attachment Status

The Attachment Status screen (Figure 8) is where you can view attempts ThreatConnect made to download file attachments for Reports from Flashpoint Ignite. The table on this screen displays the most recent date and time when ThreatConnect attempted to download a file attachment, the number of times ThreatConnect attempted to download the file attachment, and whether ThreatConnect downloaded the file attachment successfully. You can also filter results by ID and download status on this screen, which can be useful if you do not see a file attachment for a Flashpoint Ignite Report in ThreatConnect as expected.

Figure 8_Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine Integration User Guide_Software Version 1.0


Data Mappings

The data mappings in Table 2 through Table 7 illustrate how data are mapped from Flashpoint Ignite API endpoints into the ThreatConnect data model.

Attribute (From Events Endpoint)

ThreatConnect object type: Indicator (Address, File, Host, or URL)


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
Event.Attribute.categoryAttribute: "Category"
Event.Attribute.fpidAttribute: "External ID"
Event.Attribute.hrefAttribute: "Source"
Event.Attribute.typeIndicator Type
Event.Attribute.value.XIndicator Value [See the Table 3 in the “Value (From Events Endpoint)” section for details on how different Flashpoint data types are mapped in ThreatConnect]

Value (From Events Endpoint)

ThreatConnect object type: Varies


Flashpoint Data TypeThreatConnect Object
ASASN Indicator
bteEvent Group
  • Attribute: "Bitcoin Address"
domainHost Indicator
email-dstEmail Address Indicator
  • Tag: "Destination"
email-srcEmail Address Indicator
  • Tag: "Source"
email-subjectEmail Subject Indicator
filenameEvent Group
  • Attribute: "File Name"
github-usernameEvent Group
  • Attribute: "GitHub"
hostnameHost Group
ip-dstAddress Indicator
  • Tag: "Destination"
ip-dst|portAddress Indicator
  • Tag: "Destination"
  • Attribute: "Port"
ip-srcAddress Indicator
  • Tag: "Source"
linkEvent Group
  • Attribute: "External References"
md5File Indicator
mutexMutex Indicator
otherEvent Group
  • Attribute: "Additional Analysis and Context"
regkeyRegistry Key Indicator
regkey|valueRegistry Key Indicator
sha1File Indicator
sha256File Indicator 
threat-actorIntrusion Set Group
twitter-idEvent Group
  • Attribute: "Social Media: Twitter"
urlURL Indicator
user-agentUser Agent Indicator
whois-registrant-emailEmail Address Indicator
  • Tag: "WHOIS"


ThreatConnect object type: Event Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
  • If the Tag type is Actor or Actor Profile, the Tag is also mapped to an Intrusion Set Group that is associated to the Event Group
  • If the Tag type is Malware, the Tag is also mapped to a Malware Group that is associated to the Event Group
Event.dateEvent Date
Event.reportAssociated Report Group
Event.publish_timestampAttribute: "Publish Date"
Event.timestampAttribute: "External Date Created"
Event.attack_idsATT&CK® Tag
Event.fpidAttribute: "External ID"
hrefAttribute: "Source"
Event.Attribute.reports.htmlAssociated Report Group
  • Attribute: "Source"
reports.htmlAssociated Report Group
malware_descriptionAssociated Malware Group
  • Attribute: "Description" (default)
actor_descriptionAssociated Intrusion Set Group
  • Attribute: "Description" (default)

Intelligence Report

ThreatConnect object type: Report Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
data.idAttribute: "External ID"
data.actorsTag: "Intrusion Set: <Intrusion Set Name>"
data.summaryAttribute: "Description" (default)
  • If the Tag type is Actor Profile, the Tag is also mapped to an Intrusion Set Group that is associated to the Report Group
data.bodyHTML File Attachment
data.ingested_atAttribute: "Ingestion Date"
data.posted_atAttribute: "Publish Date"
data.platform_urlAttribute: "Source"
data.notified_atAttribute: "First Seen"
data.updated_atAttribute: "External Date Last Modified"
data.published_statusAttribute: "Publish Status"

Vulnerability Intelligence (Essential) [Updated]

ThreatConnect object type: Threat Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
idAttribute: "External ID"
descriptionAttribute: "Description" (default)
solutionAttribute: "Mitigations"
  • First Seen
  • Attribute: "Timeline" (Disclosure Date row)
timelines.published_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Published Date row)
  • External Date Last Modified
  • Attribute: "Timeline" (Last Update row)
scores.epss_scoreAttribute: "EPSS Score"
scores.severityAttribute: "Threat Level"
vuln_statusAttribute: "Status"
ext_references.valueAttribute: "External Details" (Value column)
ext_references.typeAttribute: "External Details" (Type column)
ext_references.created_atAttribute: "External Details" (External Date Created column)
classifications.longnameAttribute: "Classification" (Name column)
classifications.descriptionAttribute: "Classification" (Description column)
cvss_v2s.access_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Access Vector row)
cvss_v2s.access_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Access Complexity row)
cvss_v2s.authenticationAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Authentication row)
cvss_v2s.confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v2s.integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v2s.availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Availability Impact row)
cvss_v2s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source row)
cvss_v2s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At row)
cvss_v2s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score row)
cvss_v2s.calculated_cvss_base_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Calculated CVSS Base Score row)
cvss_v3s.attack_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Vector row)
cvss_v3s.attack_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Complexity row)
cvss_v3s.privileges_requiredAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Privileges Required row)
cvss_v3s.user_interactionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (User Interaction row)
cvss_v3s.scopeAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Scope row)
cvss_v3s.confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v3s.integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v3s.availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Availability Impact row)
cvss_v3s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source row)
cvss_v3s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At row)
cvss_v3s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score row)
cvss_v3s.calculated_cvss_base_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Base Score row)
cvss_v3s.vector_stringAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Vector String row)
cvss_v3s.versionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Version row)
cvss_v4s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score row)
cvss_v4s.threat_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Threat Score row)
cvss_v4s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source row)
cvss_v4s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At row)
cvss_v4s.updated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Updated At row)
cvss_v4s.vector_stringAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Vector String row)
cvss_v4s.versionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Version row)
cvss_v4s.attack_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Vector row)
cvss_v4s.attack_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Complexity row)
cvss_v4s.attack_requirementsAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Requirements row)
cvss_v4s.privileges_requiredAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Privileges Required row)
cvss_v4s.user_interactionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (User Interaction row)
cvss_v4s.exploit_maturityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Exploit Maturity row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Availability Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "Vulnerable Product" (Product row)
  • Tag
  • Attribute: "Vulnerable Product" (Vendor row)
  • Tag

ThreatConnect object type: Vulnerability Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
  • Attribute: "External ID" (default)
  • Name/Summary
  • Source: "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/<CVE ID number>"
nvd_additional_information.summaryAttribute: "Description" (default)
nvd_additional_information.cwes.cwe_idTag: "Vulnerability: <CWE ID number>"
nvd_additional_information.references.nameAttribute: "Additional Analysis and Context" (Reference Name column)
nvd_additional_information.references.urlAttribute: "Additional Analysis and Context" (Reference URL column)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Access Vector"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Access Vector row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Access Complexity"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Access Complexity row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Authentication"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Authentication row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Confidentiality Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Confidentiality Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Integrity Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Integrity Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Availability Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS Score v2"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Score row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Attack Vector"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Attack Vector row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Attack Complexity"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Attack Complexity row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Privileges Required"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Privileges Required row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 User Interaction"
  • Attribute: "Description" (User Interaction row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Scope"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Scope row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Confidentiality Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Confidentiality Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Integrity Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Integrity Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Availability Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS Score v3"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Score row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Vector String"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Vector String row)
nvd_additional_information.cvss_v3s.versionAttribute: "CVSS Version"
scores.epss_scoreAttribute: "EPSS Score"
scores.severityAttribute: "Threat Level"

Vulnerability Intelligence (Premium) [Updated]

ThreatConnect object type: Threat Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
idAttribute: "External ID"
descriptionAttribute: "Description" (default)
solutionAttribute: "Mitigations"
technical_descriptionAttribute: "Analyst Notes"
  • First Seen
  • Attribute: "Timeline" (Disclosure Date row)
timelines.published_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Published Date row)
  • External Date Last Modified
  • Attribute: "Timeline" (Last Update row)
timelines.exploit_published_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Exploit Publish Date row)
  • External Date Added
  • Attribute: "Timeline" (Date of Discovery row)
timelines.vendor_informed_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Vendor Inform Date row)
timelines.vendor_acknowledged_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Vendor Acknowledge Date row)
timelines.third_party_solution_provided_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Third Party Solution Date row)
timelines.solution_provided_atAttribute: "Timeline" (Solution Date row)
scores.severityAttribute: "Threat Level"
scores.ransomware_scoreAttribute: "Ransomware Score"
vuln_statusAttribute: "Status"
exploits.valueAttribute: "Exploits" (Value column)
exploits.typeAttribute: "Exploits" (Type column)
ext_references.valueAttribute: "External Details" (Value column)
ext_references.typeAttribute: "External Details" (Type column)
ext_references.created_atAttribute: "External Details" (External Date Created column)
classifications.longnameAttribute: "Classification" (Name column)
classifications.descriptionAttribute: "Classification" (Description column)
cvss_v2s.access_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Access Vector column)
cvss_v2s.access_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Access Complexity column)
cvss_v2s.authenticationAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Authentication column)
cvss_v2s.confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Confidentiality Impact column)
cvss_v2s.integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Integrity Impact column)
cvss_v2s.availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Availability Impact column)
cvss_v2s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source column)
cvss_v2s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At column)
cvss_v2s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score column)
cvss_v2s.calculated_cvss_base_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Calculated CVSS Base Score column)
cvss_v3s.attack_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Vector row)
cvss_v3s.attack_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Complexity row)
cvss_v3s.privileges_requiredAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Privileges Required row)
cvss_v3s.user_interactionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (User Interaction row)
cvss_v3s.scopeAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Scope row)
cvss_v3s.confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v3s.integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v3s.availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Availability Impact row)
cvss_v3s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source row)
cvss_v3s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At row)
cvss_v3s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score row)
cvss_v3s.calculated_cvss_base_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Calculated CVSSBase Score row)
cvss_v3s.vector_stringAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Vector String row)
cvss_v3s.versionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Version row)
cvss_v3s.remediation_levelAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Remediation Level row)
cvss_v3s.report_confidenceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Report Confidence row)
cvss_v3s.exploit_code_maturityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Exploit Code Maturity row)
cvss_v3s.temporal_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Temporal Score row)
cvss_v3s.updated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Updated At row)
cvss_v4s.scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Score row)
cvss_v4s.threat_scoreAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Threat Score row)
cvss_v4s.sourceAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Source row)
cvss_v4s.generated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Generated At row)
cvss_v4s.updated_atAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Updated At row)
cvss_v4s.vector_stringAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Vector String row)
cvss_v4s.versionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Version row)
cvss_v4s.attack_vectorAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Vector row)
cvss_v4s.attack_complexityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Complexity row)
cvss_v4s.attack_requirementsAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Attack Requirements row)
cvss_v4s.privileges_requiredAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Privileges Required row)
cvss_v4s.user_interactionAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (User Interaction row)
cvss_v4s.exploit_maturityAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (Exploit Maturity row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v4s.vulnerable_system_availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (VS Availability Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_confidentiality_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Confidentiality Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_integrity_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Integrity Impact row)
cvss_v4s.subsequent_system_availability_impactAttribute: "CVSS Score Flashpoint" (SS Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "Vulnerable Product" (Product column)
  • Tag
products.versions.affectedAttribute: "Vulnerable CPE" (Affected column)
products.versions.cpes.nameAttribute: "Vulnerable CPE" (CPE column)
products.versions.cpes.sourceAttribute: "Vulnerable CPE" (Source column)
  • Attribute: "Vulnerable Product" (Vendor column)
  • Tag

ThreatConnect object type: Threat Group


Flashpoint Ignite API FieldThreatConnect Field
  • Attribute: "External ID" (default)
  • Name/Summary
  • Source: "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/<CVE ID number>"
nvd_additional_information.summaryAttribute: "Description" (default)
nvd_additional_information.cwes.cwe_idTag: "Vulnerability: <CWE ID number>"
scores.epss_scoreAttribute: "EPSS Score"
scores.epss_v1_scoreAttribute: "EPSS v1 Score"
scores.severityAttribute: "Threat Level"
scores.ransomware_scoreAttribute: "Ransomware Score"
scores.social_risk_scores.cve_idAttribute: "Metrics" (CVE ID row)
scores.social_risk_scores.numeric_scoreAttribute: "Metrics" (Social Risk Numerical Score row)
scores.social_risk_scores.categorical_scoreAttribute: "Metrics" (Social Risk Categorical Score row)
scores.social_risk_scores.score_dateAttribute: "Metrics" (Score Date row)
scores.social_risk_scores.todays_tweetsAttribute: "Metrics" (Number of Today's Tweets row)
scores.social_risk_scores.total_tweetsAttribute: "Metrics" (Total Number of Tweets row)
scores.social_risk_scores.unique_usersAttribute: "Metrics" (Number of Unique Users row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Access Vector"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Access Vector row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Access Complexity"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Access Complexity row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Authentication"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Authentication row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Confidentiality Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Confidentiality Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Integrity Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Integrity Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v2 Availability Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS Score v2"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Score row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Attack Vector"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Attack Vector row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Attack Complexity"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Attack Complexity row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Privileges Required"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Privileges Required row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 User Interaction"
  • Attribute: "Description" (User Interaction row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Scope"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Scope row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Confidentiality Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Confidentiality Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Integrity Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Integrity Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Availability Impact"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Availability Impact row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS Score v3"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Score row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS v3 Vector String"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Vector String row)
  • Attribute: "CVSS Version"
  • Attribute: "Description" (Version row)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [Updated]

What are the major changes to the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App in version 1.0.1?

The major changes to the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App in version 1.0.1 include the following:

  • You can now set default values for Threat Rating, Confidence Rating, and Security Labels.
  • Each Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) ID in Flashpoint is now mapped to a Vulnerability Group in ThreatConnect instead of being represented only as a Tag on a Threat Group.
  • The technical_description Flashpoint Ignite API field now maps to the ThreatConnect "Analyst Notes" Attribute.

How are Flashpoint Vulnerability objects mapped to ThreatConnect objects?

Under Flashpoint Ignite’s Vulnerability structure, a single CVE ID can be associated with multiple Flashpoint IDs (FPIDs), or multiple CVE IDs can be associated with a single FPID. In version 1.0.0 of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App, Flashpoint Vulnerabilities are mapped to Threat Groups in ThreatConnect. In version 1.0.1, each CVE ID representing a Flashpoint Vulnerability is mapped to a Vulnerability Group in ThreatConnect, and Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) IDs are mapped to Tags that are applied to Vulnerability and Threat Groups in ThreatConnect that correspond to Flashpoint Vulnerabilities.

How much historical Flashpoint data does the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App ingest into ThreatConnect?

During the initial ingestion of Flashpoint data, the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App will ingest Flashpoint objects added or published within the last 90 days. After the initial ingestion of data is complete, the App will ingest new data and update existing data every 2 hours.

Which Flashpoint data are modeled as Intrusion Sets in ThreatConnect?

The Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App ingests and models the following Flashpoint data as Intrusion Set Groups in ThreatConnect:

  • Actor descriptions from the Flashpoint Events API endpoint
  • Actor Tags
  • Actor Profile Tags applied to Flashpoint Reports

How can I ingest more historical data from Flashpoint?

Use the Add Job button on the Jobs screen of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine UI (Figure 2). When creating a Job, select an appropriate date range from which to ingest Flashpoint data. For Reports, FP Attributes, and Events, it is recommended to use an ingestion date range of 90 days or fewer. For Vulnerabilities, any ad-hoc Jobs with an ingestion date range greater than 2 days may interrupt the daily scheduled Job runs if the daily limit of 5000 calls per day to the Vulnerability Flashpoint API endpoints is reached.

How can I upgrade to the latest version of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App?

The Feed Deployer is NOT used when updating the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App from version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.1.

Please refer to the instructions in the “Updating the App [New]” section.

The Service App for the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App is not starting, and I am getting an error saying, “Required attributes are missing. Shutting down Flashpoint Ignite app.” What should I do next?

The Feed Deployer is NOT used when updating the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App from version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.1.

Follow these instructions to address this issue:

  1. Download the attributes.json file provided for the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App on ThreatConnect's Developer Hub.
  2. Log into ThreatConnect with a System Administrator account.
  3. Hover over SettingsSettings iconon the top navigation bar and select Account Settings. Then select the Communities/Sources tab.
  4. Locate and click the name of the Source to which the current version of the Flashpoint Ignite Threat Intelligence Engine App is deployed to display the Source's Source Info screen.
  5. Click the SOURCE CONFIG button on the left side of the screen to display the Source's Source Config screen.
  6. Select the Attribute Types tab.
  7. Click the UPLOAD button to display the Upload Attributes window.
  8. Click + SELECT FILE, and then locate and select the attributes.json file you downloaded in Step 1.
  9. Click SAVE.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and TC Exchange™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.
Flashpoint® is a registered trademark of EJ2 Communications, Inc.
CVE® (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), MITRE ATT&CK®, and ATT&CK® are registered trademarks, and CWE™ (Common Weakness Enumeration) is a trademark, of The MITRE Corporation.

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