Managing Data in All Organizations: Dashboard
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Managing Data in All Organizations: Dashboard

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Article summary

As a Super User, you can determine which Organizations’ data you want to view on the Dashboard screen. You can also configure dashboard cards to show data from selected Organizations and, for query cards, enter ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL) queries to search for objects belonging to multiple Organizations.

The Dashboard Screen

The My Intel Sources selector on the Dashboard screen will display a My Orgs list from which you can select the Organizations whose data you want to view (Figure 1).

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


Dashboard Card Configuration

When configuring Metric and Query dashboard cards, you can use the My Orgs list to select Organizations whose data you want to include on the card (Figure 2).

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TQL Queries

When configuring Query dashboard cards, you can enter a TQL string to search for objects belonging to multiple Organizations in the Advanced Query field. See the “Query for Objects Belonging to Multiple Owners” section of Constructing Query Expressions for more information.

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