Exporting and Importing Dashboards
  • 31 Aug 2022
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Exporting and Importing Dashboards

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Article summary

To export a dashboard, click the vertical ellipsis at the upper-right corner of the Dashboard screen and select Export Dashboard from the dashboard administration menu. A .tdb file containing the dashboard’s configuration will be downloaded to your computer.

If a dashboard contains TQL queries that reference Attributes or Organizations by ID number, each Attribute and Organization ID number will be replaced with the name of the Attribute and Organization, respectively, upon export.

To import a dashboard using a .tdb file, hover over Dashboard on the top navigation bar, click the Import Dashboard button on the Dashboard menu, and locate and select the desired .tdb file.

If the dashboard was imported successfully, a success message will be displayed temporarily at the lower-left corner of the screen, and the dashboard will be listed under the My Dashboards section of the Dashboard menu. If the dashboard was not imported successfully, an error message explaining why will be displayed temporarily at the lower-left corner of the screen.

You cannot import a dashboard with the same name as an existing dashboard listed in the My Dashboards section of the Dashboard menu.

After importing a dashboard, review its contents and update any dashboard cards as needed. For example, if you imported a dashboard from another ThreatConnect instance with cards configured to display data from owners in that instance, review and update the configuration of those cards to display data from owners that you have access to in your ThreatConnect instance.

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20044-08 v.15.A

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