Editing Dashboard Cards
  • 31 Aug 2022
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Editing Dashboard Cards

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Article summary

Hover the cursor over the upper-right corner of the dashboard card you want to edit. The ACTIONS menu will be displayed (Figure 1).

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Cards may be edited regardless of whether the dashboard is locked or unlocked.
  • Edit: Click the Edit option to edit the content of the card. The Query step of the Add New Card screen for that card will be displayed. Both the Query and Options steps can be edited.
  • Rename: Click the Rename option to rename the card. The Rename Card window will be displayed. Enter a new name for the card, and then click the SAVE button.
  • Remove: Click the Remove option to delete a card. The Remove Card window will be displayed. Click the CONFIRM button to delete the card.
  • Manage Owners: Click the Manage Owners option to change the owners whose data are calculated in the card. The Manage Owners for Card screen will be displayed (Figure 2). Select or deselect owners, and then click the APPLY button. If the Inherit owner selections from My Intel Sources slider is toggled on, then data from all owners selected in the My Intel Sources selector will be used.

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    To change owners for the data displayed in all the cards on the dashboard, use the My Intel Sources selector at the upper-left corner of the dashboard to select or deselect owners.

The presence of the Icon  Description automatically generated icon to the right of the ACTIONS menu, as in Figure 3, indicates that the Inherit owner selections from My Intel Sources slider for that card is currently toggled off (i.e., not all available owners have been selected).

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20044-06 v.15.A

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