- 10 Jan 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
ATT&CK Visualizer Overview
- Updated on 10 Jan 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
The MITRE ATT&CK® framework is a knowledge base that uses metadata codes to standardize and classify adversary goals (tactics) and offensive actions (techniques). With the ThreatConnect® ATT&CK® Visualizer, you can create standard ATT&CK views that show tactics, techniques, and sub-techniques in the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Matrix used by one or more ThreatConnect Group objects. Doing so reveals shared tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) among the Groups and allows you to identify the prevalence of those TTPs. In addition, you can import ATT&CK views created in the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator into the ATT&CK Visualizer, allowing you to use ThreatConnect as a centralized platform for your ATT&CK views and enabling your security teams to collaborate more effectively when evaluating and optimizing your organization’s cybersecurity strategy.
Organization Administrators can use the ATT&CK Visualizer to assign security coverage to specific techniques and sub-techniques for their Organization. Once security coverage is assigned for your Organization, you can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses for specific techniques and sub-techniques, identify gaps in security coverage, and enhance your defense strategies with precision. In addition, you and other users in your Organization can overlay the security coverage map onto any ATT&CK view and identify which techniques and sub-techniques have coverage and which ones may need attention.
After you build out an ATT&CK view, you can save it so that you and other users in your Organization can access it on the ATT&CK screen. You can also export ATT&CK views as PNG or JSON files that you can then share with teammates, executives, and stakeholders to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing across your organization.
Before You Start
Minimum Role(s) |
Prerequisites | To view a Group’s techniques and sub-techniques with the ATT&CK Visualizer, ATT&CK Tags representing those techniques and sub-techniques must be applied to the Group |
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20151-01 v.03.A