Viewing All Saved ATT&CK Views
  • 10 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Viewing All Saved ATT&CK Views

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Article summary

To see all standard and imported ATT&CK® views you and other users in your Organization saved while using the ThreatConnect® ATT&CK Visualizer, click ATT&CK on the top navigation bar. The ATT&CK screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

Figure 1_Viewing All Saved ATT&CK Views_7.3.0


The ATT&CK screen includes the following tabs and buttons:

  • Standard Views: This tab displays a table listing each saved standard ATT&CK view’s name, description, creation date, and last modified date. By default, this tab is displayed when you access the ATT&CK screen.
  • Imported Views: This tab displays a table listing each saved imported ATT&CK view’s name, description, creation date, and last modified date.
  • Assign Coverage: This button, available for Organization Administrators only, allows you to assign security coverage for the Organization.
  • + Create ATT&CK View: This button, available for Standard Users and higher, allows you to access the ATT&CK Visualizer and provides options for creating standard ATT&CK views and importing ATT&CK views created in the MITRE ATT&CK® Navigator.
  • Explore ATT&CK View: This button, available for Read Only users, allows you to access the ATT&CK Visualizer and create standard ATT&CK views.
If a Super User in your Organization saved a standard ATT&CK view with a Group in another Organization added as an analysis layer, you will be able to open the ATT&CK view; however, that Group will not be visible.

Filtering and Sorting Saved ATT&CK Views

To filter saved ATT&CK views on the Standard Views or Imported Views tab, enter a search term in the search bar at the top of the screen. ATT&CK views displayed on the selected tab will be filtered as you enter text into the search bar. To remove the filter, highlight and delete the text entered into the search bar or click Clear textRemove iconin the search bar.

To sort saved ATT&CK views on the selected tab by their name, creation date, or last modified date, click the Name, Date Added, or Last Modified column header, respectively, in the table.

Saved ATT&CK View Options

When you click OptionsOptions button_Details Screenin the rightmost column for a saved ATT&CK view, a menu with some or all of the following options will be displayed, depending on whether the saved ATT&CK view is a standard or imported view:

  • Edit Metadata…: Available for saved standard and imported views.
  • Save a Copy…: Available for saved standard views only.
  • Delete…: Available for saved standard and imported views.

Editing a Saved ATT&CK View’s Name and Description

Select Edit Metadata… to edit the saved ATT&CK view’s name and description. The Edit View Metadata window will be displayed (Figure 2).

Figure 2_Viewing All Saved ATT&CK Views_7.3.0


  • Name: If desired, enter a new, unique name for the saved ATT&CK view.
  • Description: If desired, enter a description of the ATT&CK view or update the existing description if one has been provided.
  • Click the Save Changes button.

Saving a Copy of a Saved Standard ATT&CK View

Select Save a Copy… to save a copy of the saved standard ATT&CK view. The Save a Copy window will be displayed (Figure 3).


  • Name: By default, this field will be populated with the ATT&CK view’s name and the text “ - COPY” appended to it. If desired, enter a new, unique name for the copy of the ATT&CK view.
  • Description: If desired, enter a description of the ATT&CK view or update the existing description if one has been provided.
  • Click the Save button.

After the copy is saved, it will be displayed in the table on the Standard Views tab.

Deleting a Saved ATT&CK View

Select Delete… to delete the saved ATT&CK view.

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MITRE ATT&CK® and ATT&CK® are registered trademarks of The MITRE Corporation.

20151-06 v.02.A

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