Adjusting the Graph View
  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Adjusting the Graph View

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Article summary

Rearranging Nodes

To reposition a node on an object’s graph, drag it to the desired location. To move multiple nodes at once, press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard, select a group of nodes, release the CTRL key, and drag the group to the desired location.

Adjusting Zoom Settings

At the lower-left corner of the graph, there are three zoom options you can use to adjust the zoom settings on the graph:

  • Zoom InIcon  Description automatically generated: Zoom in to see more details on the graph.
  • Zoom OutIcon  Description automatically generated: Zoom out to see more objects on the graph.
  • Zoom to FitIcon  Description automatically generated: Adjust the zoom automatically to display all objects on the graph.

You can also use the Scroll to Zoom feature to zoom in and out on the graph by scrolling your mousewheel. To enable this setting, click Settingsat the upper-left corner of the screen and toggle on Scroll to Zoom.

Showing and Hiding Data

Clicking theA picture containing wrench, tool  Description automatically generatedicon at the lower-left corner of the screen will display the Legend menu (Figure 1). This scrollable menu shows which object types and labels are toggled on and will be displayed on an object’s graph. It also provides a key that defines the color scheme used for CAL™ Intelligence connections, for third-party enrichment intelligence connections, for ThreatConnect connections, and when an Indicator or Group belongs to multiple owners.

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


By default, all options in the Legend menu (i.e., Indicator and Group types, Cases, Tags, node labels, and connection labels) are toggled on and will be displayed on an object’s graph. To hide an object on the graph, toggle its slider off. If you toggle the slider off for an object type, all nodes representing objects of that type and their respective connections will be hidden from the graph.

Hiding an object type does not remove objects of that type from the graph. As a result, any hidden objects will be accounted for when using the Zoom to FitIcon  Description automatically generatedsetting.

Resetting the Graph View

As you pivot in ThreatConnect or CAL and rearrange nodes on an object’s graph, your view of the graph may become disorganized. To reorganize the layout of all nodes displayed on the graph, click Restore LayoutIcon  Description automatically generatedat the lower-left corner of the screen.

To reset an object’s graph so that only the origin node is displayed, refresh the browser tab displaying its graph.

If you try to refresh, navigate away from, or close the browser tab displaying an object’s graph that is either not saved or is saved and contains unsaved changes, you will be prompted to confirm the intended action, as doing so will result in the loss of any unsaved changes. If you navigate away from an object’s graph, only the origin node will be displayed the next time you access it. For instructions on saving and exporting an object’s graph, see Saving and Exporting Graphs.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20117-07 v.04.D

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