Table View Overview
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Table View Overview

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Article summary

Select the Table tab at the upper-right corner of the Associations card to switch to table view (Figure 1).


Table view displays tables containing all Groups, Indicators, Victim Assets, Artifacts, and Cases associated to the object whose Details screen you are viewing. It also displays tables containing Cases and, for Groups only, Artifacts suggested as associations that you may want to add to the object.

If cross-owner associations are not enabled on your ThreatConnect instance, the Associated Artifacts, Associated Cases, and Potential Associations sections will not be displayed for Indicators and Groups in Communities and Sources.

Associated artifacts, associated Cases, and potential associations are displayed only in table view.

If viewing the Details screen for a Group and known alias information for the Group exists in CAL™, a CAL Aliases button will be displayed at the top right of the Associated Groups section.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

20076-06 v.09.C

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