The Associations Card
  • 15 May 2023
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The Associations Card

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Article summary

The Associations card on the Overview tab of the legacy Details screen displays objects associated to the Indicator, Group, Tag, or Victim you are viewing. There are two ways to view the Associations card:

  • Graph view: This view displays Groups, Indicators, Tags, and Victim Assets associated to the primary object (i.e., the object whose legacy Details screen you are viewing) in a graph-based interface. Note that this is not the same graph-based interface available in Threat Graph.
  • Table view: This view displays Groups, Indicators, Victim Assets, Artifacts, and Cases associated to the primary object in a tabular format. It also displays potentially associated Cases and, for Groups only, Artifacts that you can review and consider adding as associations to the primary object.

Each time you access an object’s legacy Details screen, the Associations card will be displayed in the view you most recently selected.

For instructions on viewing and managing associations on the new Details screen introduced in ThreatConnect version 7.0, see the “New Details Screen View” section of The Associations Tab.

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20076-02 v.09.A

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