Viewing and Filtering Tasks in a Case
  • 26 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Viewing and Filtering Tasks in a Case

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Article summary

Viewing Tasks

By default, Tasks are displayed in detail view (Figure 1).



You can also display tasks in list view by clicking the icon at the top right of the Phases and Tasks section (Figure 2).

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  • Type: This column designates whether the Task is manual (Icon  Description automatically generated) or automated (A black and white logo  Description automatically generated with low confidence ).
  • Name: This column provides the name of the Task.
  • Assignee: This column provides the name of the assignee of the Task. The assignee can be a user or a user group.
  • Phase: This column displays the Phase to which the Task belongs.
  • Status: This column displays the status of the Task: Open (the Task has not been completed, and it may be completed at any time), Completed (the Task has been completed), Pending (the Task may not be completed until the Task on which it is dependent has been completed), or Reopened (the Task was previously completed and has been reopened).

Tasks are sorted chronologically by default. To sort Tasks by type, name, assignee, phase, or status, click the respective column header while in list view. To toggle back to detail view, click the Icon  Description automatically generated with medium confidence icon at the top right of the Phases and Tasks section.

Filtering Tasks

FILTERS Selector

The FILTERS selector provides options for filtering displayed Tasks by due date, completed date, status, and combinations of these selections (Figure 3).

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  • Due Date: Clicking on the from and to fields displays calendars from which the beginning and end of a date range can be selected. Only Tasks with due dates within that range will be displayed.
  • Completed Date: Clicking on the from and to fields displays calendars from which the beginning and end of a date range can be selected. Only Tasks that were completed on dates within that range will be displayed.
  • Status: Select Open, Closed, or Pending to display only open, closed, or pending Cases, respectively. These options may also be combined (e.g., display Cases that are open or are pending).
  • Click the APPLY button to apply the selected filters. To reset the filters, click the CLEAR button.

When filters have been applied, an orange circle Logo, icon  Description automatically generated will be displayed at the upper-left corner of the FILTERS selector. This element alerts you to the fact that you might be viewing an “incomplete” set of data.

Filtering Tasks by Name

To filter Tasks by name, enter the desired Task name in the search bar to the right of the FILTERS selector. The displayed Tasks will be filtered as text is entered into the search bar. Click the Clear  icon on the right side of the search bar to clear the entered text.

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20128-04 v.02.A

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