Pinned Association Attributes
  • 05 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Pinned Association Attributes

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Article summary


Association Attributes for an object are Attributes that belong to Groups associated to the object, provided that the Attribute Type has been configured as an association Attribute Type. Organization Administrators and Directors in a Community or Source can configure Attribute Types as association Attribute Types for select Group types on the Attribute Preferences tab of the Organization Config and Community (or Source) Config screen, respectively. See the “Attribute Preferences” section of ThreatConnect Organization Administration Guide and ThreatConnect Community and Source Administration Guide for further instructions on this process.

If you add an Attribute to a Group and its Attribute Type is configured as an association Attribute Type for the Group’s type, then the Attribute will be displayed on the Pinned Association Attributes card on the Details screen for Indicators and Groups associated to that Group. This allows you to gather context about Groups associated to an object whose Details screen you are viewing without needing to visit the Details screen for each associated Group.

If cross-owner associations are enabled on your ThreatConnect instance, association Attributes added to associated Groups in Communities and Sources will be displayed on the Pinned Association Attributes card of an object’s Details screen in addition to association Attributes added to associated Groups in your Organization.
The Pinned Association Attributes card is displayed on the new Details screen only. As such, you cannot view association Attributes added to Groups associated to Document, Email, Report, Signature, and Task Groups, because only the legacy Details screen is available for these Group types.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)Organization role of Read Only User
  • An Attribute Type configured as an association Attribute for a given Group type in an Organization, Community, or Source
  • An association Attribute added to a Group associated to the object whose Details screen you are viewing

Viewing Pinned Association Attributes

  1. Navigate to the Details screen for an Indicator or Group.
  2. On the Overview tab, scroll down to the Pinned Association Attributes card on the left side of the screen (Figure 1). This card displays association Attributes belonging to Groups associated to the object whose Details screen you are viewing. It also displays the following details about the Group to which the Attribute belongs: the Group’s type, summary, and owner. In Figure 1, there are three association Attributes for the Alias Attribute Type, which means that, for the object, there are three associated Groups with an Alias Attribute.

    Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams  Description automatically generated


    • To view the Details screen for the Group to which an association Attribute belongs, click the Group’s summary or View details in new tabView details in new tab icon.
    • To filter Attributes by type, a range of dates within which they were created, or a range of dates within which they were last modified, use the FiltersIcon  Description automatically generatedmenu. To filter Attributes by value, enter text in the search bar to the left of the FiltersIcon  Description automatically generatedmenu.
  3. Click the arrow to the left of an Attribute to display its Attribute Type, Security Labels, source, and value (Figure 2). If an Attribute’s type supports pivoting, a Pivot button will be displayed when the Attribute is expanded. Click it to pivot from the Attribute and view objects that contain an Attribute with the same type and value.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


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20149-01 v.01.B

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