Intelligence Requirements
  • 11 Jul 2024
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Intelligence Requirements

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Article summary


An Intelligence Requirement (IR) is a collection of topics or a research question reflecting an organization’s cyber threat–related priorities that guides a security or threat intelligence team’s research and analysis efforts. By establishing IRs, analysts can focus on investigating the things that matter most to their organization and stakeholders and spend less time sifting through various data sources for useful information.

In ThreatConnect®, you can create an IR object with a logic-based keyword query that identifies information relevant to the IR. ThreatConnect will query the owners you have access to and the ThreatConnect Global Intelligence Dataset and retrieve Cases, Groups, Indicators, Tags, and Victims that match the query. These results are displayed on the IR’s Details screen, providing a central location where you can review the results and take an appropriate course of action for each one: associate the result to the IR object, archive the result, or mark the result as a false result.

The ThreatConnect Global Intelligence Dataset, historically known as CAL™, can still be leveraged even if an instance does not have CAL turned on. In this scenario, data returned from the ThreatConnect Global Intelligence Dataset will be read only, and no information stored in your instance will be shared with or collected by CAL.

In This Series

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and CAL™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.

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