Viewing, Activating, and Managing Playbook Environments
  • 01 Sep 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Viewing, Activating, and Managing Playbook Environments

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Article summary

Viewing Playbook Environments

On the top navigation bar, hover the cursor over Playbooks and select Environments. The Environments tab of the Playbooks screen will be displayed (Figure 1). This screen shows all available Environments for your Organization.

You can also access the Environments screen may by hovering over SettingsA picture containing text, clipart, light  Description automatically generated on the top navigation bar, selecting Org Settings, clicking the Apps tab, clicking the vertical ellipsis at the top right of the Apps screen, and selecting Environments.
If no Environments are configured for your Organization, the text “No Environments Available” will be displayed on the Environments screen.

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The color of the top border of an Environment card indicates the following:

  • Green: The Environment is active and configured to an Environment Server.
  • Yellow: The Environment is active, but not configured to an Environment Server.
  • Gray: The Environment is inactive.
Active and configured Environments will initially display a yellow top border on their respective card. The top border will turn green as the ThreatConnect instance communicates with the Environment Server and recognizes the Environment as configured. Depending on how quickly that communication occurs, there may be a short delay before the top border changes from yellow to green.

An Environment card provides the following information about its corresponding Environment:

  • Executions Today: the number of executions that have occurred on the Environment on the present day.
  • Queue Size: the number of items in the queue waiting for execution on the Environment.
  • Dependent Playbooks: the number of Playbooks that are dependent on the Environment (i.e., that have an App or Service configured to run on the given Environment).
  • Dependent Jobs: the number of Jobs (Playbooks and other applications) that are dependent on the Environment (i.e., that are configured to run on the given Environment).
  • Owner: the Organization that owns the Environment.
  • Environment Server: the name of the Environment Server that is attached to the configuration represented by the given Environment box.
  • Remote Workers: the number of Workers available on the Environment Server.

Activating an Environment

Toggle the Active slider at the lower-right corner of an Environment card (Figure 1) on or off to make an Environment active or inactive, respectively.

Managing an Environment

Click the vertical ellipsis at the upper-right corner of an Environment card (Figure 1) to display a menu with the following options: Edit Name, View, and Download.

For System Administrators, a Delete option will also be displayed. Selecting this option will display the Delete Environment window, from which a System Administrator can click the DELETE button to delete the environment.

Editing an Environment's Name

To edit an Environment's name, select Edit Name from the vertical ellipsis menu. The Edit Environment window will be displayed (Figure 2).

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  • Name: Enter a new name for the Environment
  • Click the SAVE button.

Viewing an Environment's Administration Screen

An Environment’s administration screen provides information about the Environment in real time. To view this screen, select View from the vertical ellipsis menu or click the name of the Environment at the top of its card. The Environments screen will now display the administration screen for the Environment (Figure 3). See Administrating an Environment for more information about this screen.

When an Environment's administration screen is first loaded, there may be a short delay before all information is displayed.

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To return to the view in Figure 1, click the Environments link at the upper-right corner of the screen, or refresh the screen.

Downloading an Environment

To download an Environment, select Download from the vertical ellipsis menu. The Environment: <Environment Name> window will be displayed (Figure 4).

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  • Download options: Select one of the following download options:
    • Download Bundle (All-in-one): Select this option to download both the Environment Config and the Environment Server, as well as the KeyStore files required to make a secure connection to the host ThreatConnect instance, in a .zip file.
    • Environment Config Only: Select this option to download the Environment Config in a .env file format.
    • Environment Server Only: Select this option to download the Environment Server in a .zip file.
  • Click the DOWNLOAD button.

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20080-02 v.06.A

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