Adding a Cases Metric Card to a Dashboard
  • 23 Aug 2022
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Adding a Cases Metric Card to a Dashboard

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Article summary

  1. Hover the cursor over Dashboard on the top navigation bar and select a dashboard listed in the My Dashboards section. The selected dashboard will be displayed (Figure 1). Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    If no dashboards are listed in the My Dashboards section, click + Create New Dashboard to create a new custom dashboard. Instructions for creating a new custom dashboard are available in the “Creating a Custom Dashboard” section of Dashboard.
  2. Click the Plus Icon  Description automatically generated icon at the upper-right corner of the screen. The Details step of the Add New Card drawer will be displayed. In the Metric section, scroll down until the Cases section is displayed (Figure 2).Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


    Enter a title for the card in the Card Title box, if desired, and select the Cases metric that will be displayed in the dashboard card.
    If you do not enter a title in the Card Title box, the name of the selected card type (e.g., Active Cases) will be set automatically as the card’s title.

The other sections in this article describe each Cases metric and how to configure its respective dashboard card.

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20118-02 v.03.B

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