The Cases Screen Overview
  • 19 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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The Cases Screen Overview

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Article summary


The Cases tab of the Workflow screen displays all Workflow Cases in your Organization. From this screen, you can view a summary of each Case, create a new Case, open an existing Case, filter the screen to show a certain subset of Cases (e.g., all closed Cases, all open escalated Cases assigned to a particular user, all Cases with a medium severity level), assign Cases to other users, and delete Cases.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)
  • Organization role of Read Only User (for viewing Cases) 
  • Organization role of Standard User (for creating and editing Cases) 
  • Organization role of Organization Administrator (for deleting Cases)
PrerequisitesWorkflow enabled by a System Administrator

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20122-01 v.04.A

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