MTTD Average
  • 24 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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MTTD Average

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Article summary

MTTD Average provides a comparative numerical representation of MTTD over a period of days, weeks, or months and highlights the percentage increase or decrease of MTTD during that period of time.

Select MTTD Average on the Details step of the Add New Card drawer to display the Query step (Figure 1).

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated


  • Date Range: Select the period of time during which the MTTD Average metric should be calculated.
    If the MTTD Average metric has increased over the selected date range, a red bar will be displayed at the bottom of the card. Similarly, if the MTTD Average metric has decreased over the selected date range, a green bar will be displayed at the bottom of the card.
  • Click the SAVE button at the upper-right corner of the drawer. The MTTD Average card will now be displayed on the dashboard.

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20118-07 v.03.B

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