ThreatConnect Environment Server Installation Guide
  • 19 Sep 2024
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ThreatConnect Environment Server Installation Guide

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Article summary

Software Version
This guide applies to software version 2.2.0 of the ThreatConnect® Environment Server.

System Requirements

In order to install an instance of the ThreatConnect Environment Server, the requirements in the following sections must be met.


The ThreatConnect Environment Server platform requires a server, virtual or physical, that meets the following minimum specifications:

  • 4 CPU/vCPU Cores (2 GHz)
  • 4 GB of memory
  • 10 GB of storage

As the number or frequency of Jobs increases, the need to increase system resources will likely occur. The listing in Table 1 highlights typical TC Exchange™ Apps and their specific system-resource needs.


App NameFrequencyCPU UsedMemory Used
ArcSight™ EMS ExtractDaily1.4475
Tanium™ Extract v2.0Daily< 1< 50
QRadar® Extract v2.0Daily<1< 50
Palo Alto PAN-OS® Block ListDaily.102.5


The ThreatConnect Environment Server and its supporting packages require the following software environment in order to run properly:

  • Operating System: Red Hat® Linux® variant—either Red Hat Enterprise Linux®(RHEL) 6, 7, or 8 or Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS™) 6 or 7
    This guide assumes that the user for the installation of ThreatConnect is named threatconnect.
  • Java® Development Kit (JDK): Access to a local installation of Java 17 (OpenJDK or Oracle Java version 17)
  • Python®: Installation of Python 3.6.x and Python required

Python 3.6 Installation

The instructions in this section compile and install Python from source code, which is one of the multiple ways to install Python on the application server. If the operating system to be used already has Python 3.6 installed, skip the compile steps of the Python installation.
Install Python 3.6

Developer packages must be installed in order to compile Python from source code:

yum install -y yum-utils epel-release --enablerepo=extras && \
    yum-builddep -y python python3 && \
    yum install -y make gcc \
    openssl openssl-devel \
    openssl11 openssl11-libs openssl11-devel \
    bzip2-devel \
    gdbm-devel \
    libffi-devel \    
    sqlite-devel \
    ncurses-devel \
    readline-devel \
    tk-devel \
    xz-devel \
    zlib-devel \
    wget ;\
    yum clean all

Download the source code to /tmp:

cd /tmp

Decompress the downloaded archive: 

tar -xf Python-3.6.15.tar.xz

Navigate to the directory where the decompressed files reside: 

cd Python-3.6.15

Run the following commands to configure Python:

mkdir -p /opt/python3.6.15/lib &&\
./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.6.15 \
--with-ensurepip=install --enable-optimizations \
--enable-shared LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath /opt/python3.6.15/lib"

Begin the compile process to ensure there are no errors:

make && make altinstall

Set up a symbolic link:

ln -s /opt/python3.6.15/bin/python3.6 /opt/python3.6.15/bin/python
Python 3.6 SDK: TcEx Installation
The instructions in this section need to be run after Python has been installed on the application server.
The instructions in this section are based on the Python installation method discussed in this guide. Adjust directories as needed if Python is installed in another location.

To ensure that no permissions issues arise from the use of Python packages, use the following commands to update permissions:

chmod -R 755 /opt/python3.6.15/lib/python3.6/site-packages
chmod -R 755 /opt/python3.6.15/lib/python3.6/lib2to3

To install TcEx using pip, execute the following command:

/opt/python3.6.15/bin/pip3.6 install tcex==2.0.29

Python 3.11 Installation

Install Python 3.11
The instructions in this section compile and install Python from source code, which is one of the multiple ways to install Python on the application server. If the operating system to be used already has Python 3.11 installed, skip the compile steps of the Python installation.
CentOS 7 and RHEL 7

Run one of the following commands to install additional software collections (SCLs):

  • CentOS 7
    yum install centos-release-scl -y
  • RHEL 7
    subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-devtools-7-rpms
    subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

Install the GNU Complier Collection (GCC) and set it as the default:

yum install devtoolset-7
echo "source scl_source enable devtoolset-7" >> ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile

Install dependencies specific to Python 3.11:

yum install -y epel-release --enablerepo=extras 
yum install -y openssl11 openssl11-libs openssl11-devel lcms2-devel

It is required to have developer packages installed to compile Python from source:

yum install -y yum-utils \
    make gcc \
    openssl openssl-devel \
    postgresql-devel \
    libtiff-devel libjpeg-devel libzip-devel freetype-devel \
    libwebp-devel tcl-devel libxslt-devel libxml2-devel \
    bzip2-devel \
    gdbm-devel \
    libffi-devel \
    sqlite-devel \
    ncurses-devel \
    readline-devel \
    tk-devel \
    xz-devel \
    zlib-devel \
    wget ;\
    yum clean all

Download, build, and install Python 3.11:

mkdir /tmp/python3.11.1-build && \
    cd /tmp/python3.11.1-build && \
    curl > python-3.11.1.tgz && \
    tar xzf python-3.11.1.tgz && \
    cd Python-3.11.1 && \
    mkdir -p /opt/python3.11.1/lib && \
    export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $(pkg-config --cflags openssl11)" && \
    export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $(pkg-config --libs openssl11)" && \
    ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.11.1 \
        --with-ensurepip=install \
        --enable-optimizations \
        --enable-shared LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath /opt/python3.11.1/lib" && \
    make -j$(nproc)

Begin the compile process to ensure there are no errors:

make install

Set up a symbolic link:

ln -s /opt/python3.11.1/bin/python3.11 /opt/python3.11.1/bin/python

It is required to have developer packages installed to compile Python from source:

yum install -y yum-utils \
    make gcc \
    openssl openssl-devel \
    postgresql-devel \
    libtiff-devel libjpeg-devel libzip-devel freetype-devel \
    libwebp-devel tcl-devel libxslt-devel libxml2-devel \
    bzip2-devel \
    gdbm-devel \
    libffi-devel \
    sqlite-devel \
    ncurses-devel \
    readline-devel \
    tk-devel \
    xz-devel \
    zlib-devel \
    wget ;\
    yum clean all

Download, build, and install Python 3.11:

mkdir /tmp/python3.11.1-build && \
    cd /tmp/python3.11.1-build && \
    curl > python-3.11.1.tgz && \
    tar xzf python-3.11.1.tgz && \
    cd Python-3.11.1 && \
    mkdir -p /opt/python3.11.1/lib && \
    export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $(pkg-config --cflags openssl11)" && \
    export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $(pkg-config --libs openssl11)" && \
    ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.11.1 \
        --with-ensurepip=install \
        --enable-optimizations \
        --enable-shared LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath /opt/python3.11.1/lib" && \
    make -j$(nproc)

Begin the compile process to ensure there are no errors:

make install

Set up a symbolic link:

ln -s /opt/python3.11.1/bin/python3.11 /opt/python3.11.1/bin/python
Python 3.11 SDK: TcEx Installation
The instructions in this section need to be run after Python has been installed on the application server.
The instructions in this section are based on the Python installation method discussed in this guide. Adjust directories as needed if Python is installed in another location.

To ensure that no permissions issues arise from the use of Python packages, use the following commands to update permissions:

chmod -R 755 /opt/python3.11.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages
chmod -R 755 /opt/python3.11.1/lib/python3.11/lib2to3

To install TcEx using pip, execute the following command:

/opt/python3.11.1/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pip
/opt/python3.11.1/bin/pip3 install tcex-cli

Network Traffic Port Requirements

The ports and protocols listed in Table 2 must be opened when deploying the Environment Server inside a network. Appropriate firewall rules must be enabled for these ports from the machine running the Environment Server in order to allow connectivity to your ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud instance.


Network PortProtocolTraffic DirectionDescription
443HTTPS/TCPOutbound to DCThis port connects to the ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud API to download Apps for execution. Traffic is limited to App installs and upgrades. App downloads are performed when an execution request is sent from the ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud instance for the first time.
62000TCPOutbound to DCThis port is defined within the ThreatConnect System Settings. It enables the Environment Server to connect securely with the ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud message broker to receive real-time commands in order to execute an App to fulfill orchestration requirements, as well as provide command-and-control capabilities. Traffic is lightweight and used primarily in a request/response model to direct App executions.

Preparing the Environment

Java JDK

The system needs access to the Java JDK as outlined in the “Software” section. In addition, the JAVA_HOME environment variable needs to be properly configured to point to that directory.

Some CentOS/Red Hat versions come with a pre-installed, though unsupported, version of OpenJDK.

Downloading Java

The ThreatConnect MEO (Multi-Environment Orchestration) Environment Server requires Java version 17.x to be installed and configured. The latest version of the ThreatConnect MEO software supports both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK version 17.

Installing and Configuring Java

The instructions in this section refer to a specific Oracle JDK version of Java 17. If using a different version, make sure to substitute the correct filename into the given commands.

Execute the following command:

rpm -ivh

Once installation is complete, execute the following command:

alternatives --config java

This command will output the current location of the new Java installation.

Typically, an installation of this type will create a symbolic link to /usr/java/latest. The following command will confirm whether this location can be configured as the run location for Java:

cd /usr/java/latest

The next step is to create the threatconnect local OS user account:

adduser threatconnect

Use the following commands to log into and modify the ,bashrc file for the threatconnect account:

su threatconnect
vi ~/.bashrc

Then add the following code as the second line of this file, where <path to Java> would typically look like /user/java/latest:

export JAVA_HOME=

Then reload the bash profile:

source ~/.bashrc


Getting Started

ThreatConnect clients can use this guide to configure and install their own Instance of the ThreatConnect Environment Server. This guide assumes a moderate level of systems-administration expertise and an operating environment that satisfies the requirements detailed previously. See Playbook Environments for more information about how to configure, administrate, and use Environments in ThreatConnect.

Downloading the Installer

The Environment Server installer .zip file is available for download on the Environments tab of the Playbooks screen in ThreatConnect (Figure 1).

Figure 1_ThreatConnect Environment Server Installation Guide_Software Version 2.2.0


Click the ⋮ menu at the upper-right corner of the desired Environment card and select Download. A window containing the download options for the Environment will be displayed (Figure 2).

Figure 2_ThreatConnect Environment Server Installation Guide_Software Version 2.2.0


This window provides three options for download: Download Bundle (All-in-one), Environment Config Only, and Environment Server Only. The Download Bundle (All-in-one) option includes both the Environment Config and the Environment Server as well as the KeyStore files required to make a secure connection to the host ThreatConnect instance. Select this option, and then click the DOWNLOAD button.

Select Environment Config Only when an existing Environment Server needs to point to a new Environment. Select Environment Server Only when an existing Environment Server needs to be upgraded.

Opening the Installer

Unzipping the File

The ThreatConnect Environment Server .zip file serves as an archive of all the necessary files and folders needed to install the application. There are two ways to unzip this file:

  1. Copy the .zip file to the desired directory on which the ThreatConnect Environment Server will be installed. By default, this directory is /opt, which will result in an installation directory of /opt/threatconnect-envsvr.
  2. Unzip the file from the command-line interface with the following command:
  3. Configure permissions within the operating system to ensure that the threatconnect user can access the ThreatConnect Environment Server files. In the following command, the default values of threatconnect and /opt/threatconnect-envsvr, respectively, are being used:
    chown –R threatconnect:threatconnect /opt/threatconnect-envsvr
  4. Run the following command to ensure that all .shscripts are executable, which is a requirement for the MEO Environment Server:
    chmod +x /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/*.sh

Installation Directory Structure

After the archive has been extracted, the new folder will contain the following directory structure:

  • The .tcenvsvr directory contains the default keystore and broker connection settings.
  • The README.txt file contains instructions on how to install the Environment Server.
  • The file is used to configure the Environment Server settings using a command-line interface.
  • The file is used to run the Environment Server directly from the command line (not as a service).
  • The file is used to shut down the current Environment Server.
  • The file is the init.d service script.
  • The threatconnect-envsvr.jar file is the file for the Environment Server only (i.e., it does not contain the configuration file).
Users patching their ThreatConnect Environment Server Instance to a newer version should select the Environment Server Only option from an Environment instead of the All-in-one Bundle. (See the “Downloading the Installer” section for more information.) This download extracts to a threatconnect-envsvr.jar file. Replace the existing .jar file and restart to complete the upgrade.

The ThreatConnect Environment Server Setup

Creating tc-job User

This section describes an optional security enhancement that allows the sandboxing of App executions. The tc-job user will have restricted permissions for Apps so that it does not modify files outside of App execution directories.

To provide additional security, it is recommended to create a separate user on Linux systems to run TC Exchange Jobs (i.e., the tc-job user). It is also recommended to create read and write groups to control the permissions to the files associated with these Jobs.

  1. Create the following directories:
    mkdir -p /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/programs
    mkdir -p /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/jobs
  2. Create the tc-job user, as well as the read and write groups that will control permissions to the directories created in the previous step:
    The tc-job--pass123 password in the following code is used for documentation purposes and can be replaced with a password of your choosing, if desired. This password will not be used elsewhere, since the threatconnect user will have sudo privileges to the tc-job user.
    useradd tc-job
    echo "tc-job-‐pass123" | passwd tc-job --stdin
    chgrp -R threatconnect /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange
    # correct octal permissions
    find /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/ -type f -exec chmod 644 -- {} +
    find /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/ -type d -exec chmod 755 -- {} +
    # set new default ACLs
    setfacl -Rdm u:tc-job:rx /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/programs/
    setfacl -Rdm u:tc-job:rwx /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/jobs/
    setfacl -Rdm u:threatconnect:rwx /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/.tcenvsvr/exchange/jobs/

User Privilege Configuration

Add the following lines to /etc/pam.d/su after the first auth command:

auth    sufficient
auth    [success=ignore default=1] user = tc-job
auth    sufficient use_uid user = threatconnect

Configuring sudoers

Create /etc/sudoers.d/threatconnect using the following command:

visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/threatconnect

Then add the following lines:

Defaults:threatconnect !requiretty
threatconnect ALL=(tc‐job) NOPASSWD: ALL

This configuration allows the threatconnect user to run the Jobs as the tc-job user.

Starting the ThreatConnect Environment Server

After completing the installation and configuration procedures, it is time to start the ThreatConnect Environment Server.

Starting as a Linux Service

The options in the previous sections allow a user to run the ThreatConnect Environment Server in a single session. This approach presents a number of limitations: The platform will need to be started manually after each reboot, or a terminal window or Secure Shell (SSH) session may have to be left open. To address this problem, this section details the file configuration to run the ThreatConnect Environment Server as a service in Linux.

Open a terminal window and browse to the App directory within the ThreatConnect Environment Server directory. Run the file as follows:

su - threatconnect -c ./opt/threatconnect-envsvr/

Running this command will ensure proper connectivity to the ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud instance for your organization. As long as logs indicating connectivity to your DC instance (FQDN:62000 with successful connection) are being generated, the MEO server will connect properly to the DC instance.

Run CTRL-C to force the process to close. Once the process is closed, execute the following command:

su - threatconnect -c ./opt/threatconnect-envsvr/

A menu providing options for configuration of the MEO instance will be provided.

Please select an option:
1: System Configuration
2: Variables
3: Exit

Select 1: System Configuration. The System Configuration menu will be displayed.

System Configuration: Please select an option:
1: List all System Config
2: Edit System Config
3: Export Configuration
4: Go Back

Select 2: Edit System Config. Then edit the Java and Python locations as they are configured within your current MEO server configuration. Typically, the options to select are 3: appsJavaHome (for Java) and 5: appsPythonHome and 6: appsPythonHome311 (for Python).

If implementing a proxy within the Environment Server, the fields in the following menu will need to be configured.

13: proxyExternal = <empty>
14: proxyHost = <empty>
15: proxyPassword = <empty>
16: proxyPort = <empty>
17: proxyTC = <empty>
18: proxyUsername = <empty>
  • Set options 13 and 17 to true.
  • Populate options 14, 15, 16, and 18 according to your organization’s proxy configuration for where this server resides.
The Service Script

Within the ThreatConnect Environment Server installation, there is a script used for running the ThreatConnect Environment Server as an initialized service:


This script must be copied into the /etc/init.d directory for it to be recognized as a system service. Note that users may require privileges to copy to this directory:

cp /opt/threatconnect-envsvr/ /etc/init.d/threatconnect-envsvr
Configuring Services

The service script requires proper permissions and paths to be set.

  1. Specify the TCENVSVR_HOME variable within the script to point to the path where the ThreatConnect Environment Server installation exists. By default, this path is /opt/threatconnect-envsvr.
  2. Specify the USER variable within the script to identify which user owns the files for the ThreatConnect Environment Server application. It is advisable, for security reasons, that the root user not be employed. By default, the username is assumed to be threatconnect.
Starting the ThreatConnect Environment Server as a Service

Once the services have been configured, the ThreatConnect Environment Server can be started as a service. To do so, enter one of the following commands while logged in as the root user:

service threatconnect-envsvr start
/etc/init.d/threatconnect-envsvr start

To stop the service, use either one of the following commands:

service threatconnect-envsvr stop


/etc/init.d/threatconnect-envsvr stop

To have the ThreatConnect Environment Server start on system startup, issue the following commands after the script is configured in the /etc/init.d directory:

For sysVinit systems:

chkconfig ‐‐add threatconnect-envsvr
chkconfig threatconnect-envsvr on

For systemd systems:

systemctl enable threatconnect-envsvr

Configuration Settings

Setting Master Key for Keychain

The Keychain feature is required for the ThreatConnect Environment Server. When prompted, enter a Master Password. The Master Password is used to encrypt sensitive values and is required on every server restart.

System Settings Checklist

Users should review their Instance settings to ensure that they are configured according to their needs. Table 3 provides a description of each system configuration value.


System Configuration ValueDescription
apiURLThis setting should point to the URL for the API at port 8443 (e.g.,
appDeliveryTokenThis setting is the token that is used to authenticate with the App Catalog Server.
appsJavaHomeThis setting holds the path to the Java binary.
appsNumberofJobExecutorsThis setting is the number of Job Executors that can run concurrently. It is a factor of the number of CPUs and the available memory on the server. It should not exceed available resources.
appsPythonHomeThis setting holds the path to the Python 3.6 binary.
appsPythonHome311This setting holds the path to the Python 3.11 binary.
appsSandboxUserThis setting represents the user account used to execute Jobs. It is pertinent only in Linux installs.
appsSessionDaystoKeepThis setting is placed at 5 in Cloud. It indicates the number of days that logs will be kept in the Jobs log directory: %threatconnect%/exchange/jobs.
brokerHostThis setting is the remote host name of the messaging server to which the Environment Server will connect.
brokerTokenThis setting is the secure key used to authenticate a connection to the remote message broker.
proxyExternalThis setting is set to true when all external connections for Apps should be routed through a proxy server.
proxyHostThis setting is the proxy host to use if a proxy server is required. Acceptable values are a valid IP address or host name for a proxy accessible by the ThreatConnect instance.
proxyPasswordThis setting is the proxy password to use if a proxy server requires authentication.
proxyPortThis setting is the proxy port to use if a proxy server is required. Enter a valid proxy port number.
proxyTCThis setting is set to true when all connections to the ThreatConnect host server should be routed through a proxy server.
proxyUsernameThis setting is the proxy username to use if a proxy server requires authentication.
queueTransportThis setting is empty by default and utilizes the raw TCP socket for messaging services. For deployments that require a proxy, set this value to websocket. This will change the transport to an HTTP-based transport protocol supported by secured proxy environments. All traffic will move through port 62000 over HTTP/S. If the proxy is defined, then the Environment Server will utilize this proxy for all messaging traffic.
Port 62000 enables the Environment Server to connect securely with the ThreatConnect Dedicated Cloud message broker to receive real-time commands in order to execute an App to fulfill orchestration requirements, as well as provide command-and-control capabilities. Traffic is lightweight and used primarily in a request/response model to direct App executions.
relaySystemInfoPublishSecondsThe frequency at which to notify the remote ThreatConnect instance of the status of the Environment Server.
serverNameThe name of the Environment Server to display on the ThreatConnect Environments screen and administration page.
serverXidThis setting is a static number that uniquely identifies the given Environment Server. Its value should not be changed.

ThreatConnect® is a registered trademark, and TC Exchange™ is a trademark, of ThreatConnect, Inc.
ArcSight™ is a trademark of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.
QRadar® is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Java® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
PAN-OS® is a registered trademark of Palo Alto Networks.
Python® is a registered trademark of Python Software Foundation.
Red Hat® and Enterprise Linux® are registered trademarks, and CentOS™ is a trademark, of Red Hat, Inc.
Tanium™ is a trademark of Tanium, Inc.

10028-17 EN Rev. B

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