Building an App
  • 26 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Building an App

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Article summary

Apps are built for the first time when they are created, based on the default code for the App type chosen in the Create App window, and then incrementally as you type. However, there are some cases where a manual build is required to fully build the project—for example, if a dependency is added or parameters have been modified. An App must be built before it can be debugged, tested, and released.

To build an App, click Build ProjectA white square with a black letter on it  Description automatically generated with low confidenceto the left of the Built section of the Summary tab (Figure 1).

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message  Description automatically generated


If the build is unsuccessful, a failureicon will be displayed in place of the Build ProjectA white square with a black letter on it  Description automatically generated with low confidenceicon, and the timestamp will be updated. The project will need to be modified and built successfully in order to proceed with debugging, testing, and release.

If the build is successful, a successicon will be displayed in place of the Build ProjectA white square with a black letter on it  Description automatically generated with low confidenceicon, and the timestamp will be updated.

Build Log Tab

The log of the most recent build will be available in the Build Log tab (Figure 2).

Text  Description automatically generated


In addition to the build log, this tab displays the Status of the build (Successful or Unsuccessful) and any Status Message that is available. If a build is unsuccessful, a Rebuild button will be displayed in the tab.

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