Workflow Tasks
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Workflow Tasks

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Article summary


The Tasks tab of the Workflow screen serves as a dashboard where users can monitor and track Tasks across all Workflow Cases in their Organization. This article provides instruction on the features of the Tasks screen, covering viewing, assigning, removing, sorting, and filtering Tasks.

See Workflow Overview for introductory information about Workflow, including definitions of Workflow-related vocabulary and an explanation of how the Workflow process works from start to finish. See Phases and Tasks for instructions on how to view the Phases and Tasks section in a Case, create manual and automated Tasks, perform administrative actions for a Task, and filter Tasks in a Case.

Before You Start

Minimum Role(s)ThreatConnect users of all Organization roles except App Developer may view Workflow Tasks. Edit and delete permissions depend on the specific role. See Table 4 of Organization Roles for more details.
PrerequisitesWorkflow enabled by a System Administrator

Tasks Screen

The Tasks screen displays all Workflow Tasks in your Organization. From here, you can view, assign, remove, sort, and filter Tasks.

Viewing Tasks

On the top navigation bar, hover the cursor over Workflow and select Tasks. The Tasks screen will be displayed (Figure 1).

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This screen displays the Tasks table, which consists of the following columns:

  • Type: This column designates whether the Task is manual (A close up of a device  Description automatically generated) or automated ().
  • Required: This column displays a checkmark (A picture containing table  Description automatically generated) if the Task is required (i.e., the Task must be completed for the Case containing it to be closed).
  • Case ID: This column displays the ID number of the Case containing the Task.
  • Name: This column displays the name of the Task and the name of the Case containing the Task.
  • Assignee: This column provides the name of the assignee of the Task. The assignee of a Task is the user or user group responsible for tracking and monitoring the Task.
  • Due Date: This column displays the due date and time for the Task, if one is assigned.
  • Status: This column displays the status of the Task:
    • Open: The Task has not been completed, and it may be completed at any time.
    • Completed: The Task has been completed.
    • Pending: The Task may not be completed until the Task on which it is dependent has been completed.
    • Reopened: The Task was previously completed and has been reopened.
  • Case Severity: This column displays the severity of the Case containing the Task in a corresponding color (red for Critical, orange for High, yellow for Medium, and gray for Low). The severity of a Case is set by the user who created the Case and can be changed at any time by a user with edit access to the Case.
  • Missing Required Artifacts: This column displays the number of required Artifacts that have not been collected for the Task.
  • Administrative Options Menu: This column displays a vertical ellipsis A picture containing drawing  Description automatically generated menu that provides options for assigning and removing Tasks. See the next section, “Task Administrative Options,” for more information.

Click anywhere in the row for a Task to view the Case containing the Task.

Task Administrative Options

The vertical ellipsis A picture containing drawing  Description automatically generated menu in the rightmost column of the Tasks table provides options for assigning and removing Tasks.

If a Task’s status is Completed, the Assign option will not be displayed in its vertical ellipsis A picture containing drawing  Description automatically generated menu.

Assign Task

Select the Assign option from the vertical ellipsis A picture containing drawing  Description automatically generated menu for the Task. The Assign Task window will be displayed (Figure 2).

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  • The current assignee will be selected by default in the dropdown menu. Select a different user or user group to which the Task will be assigned.
    User groups are located at the bottom of the scrollable list that is displayed when you click the dropdown menu in the Assign Task window.
  • Click the CONFIRM button.

Remove Task

Select the Remove option from the vertical ellipsis A picture containing drawing  Description automatically generated menu for the Task. The Remove Task window will be displayed. Click the REMOVE button to remove (delete) the Task.

To delete Tasks on which other Tasks are dependent, you must delete the dependent Tasks first.

Sorting Tasks

You can sort Tasks by the following column headings:

  • Type: This column heading, which is selected by default, displays all manual Tasks first, followed by all automated Tasks. Click on the column heading to display all automated Tasks first, followed by all manual Tasks.
  • Required: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks that are not required, followed by those that are required. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks that are required, followed by those that are not required.
  • Case ID: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks in chronological order by the ID number of the Case containing the Task. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in reverse chronological order by the ID number of the Case containing the Task.
  • Name: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks in alphabetical order by name. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in reverse alphabetical order by name.
  • Due Date: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks in chronological order by due date and time, where Tasks with a due date are listed first. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in reverse chronological order by due date, where Tasks without a due date are listed first.
  • Status: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks in order by status, where completed Tasks are displayed first, followed by open Tasks, followed by pending Tasks (i.e., Tasks that are dependent on other Tasks that have not yet been completed), followed by reopened Tasks. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in reverse order by status.
  • Case Severity: Click on this column heading to display all Tasks in order by the severity of the Cases that contain them, from low to critical. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in reverse order by Case severity.
  • Missing Required Artifacts: Click on this column heading once to display all Tasks in ascending order by the number of missing required Artifacts. Click on the column heading again to display all Tasks in descending order by the number of missing required Artifacts.

By default, Tasks are sorted by Type. Sort preferences will persist when you navigate away from the Tasks screen or log out of your instance of ThreatConnect.

Filtering Tasks

You can filter Tasks using the FILTERS selector, the default display menu to the right of the FILTERS selector, and the search bar along the top of the Tasks screen. Filter settings will persist when you navigate away from the Tasks screen or log out of your instance of ThreatConnect.

FILTERS Selector

The FILTERS selector provides options for filtering displayed Tasks by due date and time, completed date, status, assignee, Case severity, and combinations of these selections (Figure 3).

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  • Due Date: Click the from and to fields and use the date and time selectors to select the beginning and end of a date and time range, respectively. Only Tasks with due dates within the specified range will be displayed.
  • Completed Date: Click the from and to fields and use the date selectors to select the beginning and end of a date range, respectively. Only Tasks completed on dates within the specified range will be displayed.
  • Status: Select one or more Task statuses. Only Tasks with the selected status(es) will be displayed.
  • Assignee: Select one or more assignees. Only Tasks with the selected assignee(s) will be displayed.
  • Case Severity: Select one or more Case severity levels. Only Tasks from Cases with the selected severity level(s) will be displayed.
  • Click the APPLY button to apply the selected filters. To reset the filters, click the CLEAR button.

When filters have been applied, an orange circle Logo, icon  Description automatically generated will be displayed at the upper-left corner of the FILTERS selector. This element alerts you to the fact that you might be viewing an “incomplete” set of data.

Default Display Menu

The menu to the right of the FILTERS selector provides options for selecting the set of Tasks displayed by default on the Tasks screen (Figure 4).

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  • All Tasks: Select this option to display all of the Tasks on your instance of ThreatConnect.
  • All Open Tasks: Select this option to display only Tasks with a status of Open.
  • All Past Due Date Tasks: Select this option to display only overdue Tasks.
  • My Open Tasks: Select this option to display only Tasks with a status of Open that are assigned to you or a user group to which you belong.
  • My Remaining Tasks: Select this option to display only Tasks with a status of Open or Pending that are assigned to you or a user group to which you belong.
  • My Completed Tasks: Select this option to display only Tasks with a status of Complete that are assigned to you or a user group to which you belong.
  • My Past Due Date Tasks: Select this option to display only overdue Tasks that are assigned to you or a user group to which you belong.
    Although the All Past Due Date Tasks and My Past Due Date Tasks options are displayed in the default display menu, their functionality is not available at this time. Therefore, it is recommended to not select either option.

If the FILTERS selector is used to select the displayed Tasks and the selection matches one of the options in the default display menu (e.g., My Open Tasks), then that option will be displayed in the default display menu. If the selection does not have an equivalent option in the default display menu (e.g., only Tasks from high-severity Cases assigned to a particular user), then the default display menu will show a selection of Custom (Figure 5).

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Selections made from the FILTERS selector will not persist as a default display, even if the selection matches an option in the default display menu.

Filtering Tasks by Name or ID

To filter Tasks by name or the ID number of the Case containing the Task, enter the desired Task name or Case ID number in the search bar to the right of the default display menu. The displayed Tasks will be filtered as text is entered into the search bar. Click the Clear  icon on the right side of the search bar to clear the entered text.

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