Team Management
  • 26 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Team Management

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Article summary

Administrators can manage Users and User Groups by navigating to the Team page link in the left navigation bar.

Managing Users

Adding Team Members

To add a new Team Member, click on the ADD TEAM MEMBER button on the top right.  

Team members can also be added by cloning an existing User (discussed below).

Steps add a Team Member:

  1. Set a Username

  2. Enter the User's full name

  3. Provide a valid email address for the User

  4. Set initial password for the User

  5. Set the User as an AdministratorUser or Enable/Disable the account.

Clone User settings

To clone a Team Member:

  1. Click on the Actions button of the account listed in the Team page.

  2. Select Clone User settings.

Inherit User settings

Administrators have the option to copy the Groups, Channel subscriptions, and colors from one profile to another.

To inherit a Team Member's profile settings:

  1. Click on the Actions button of the account listed in the Team page

  2. Select Inherit User settings.

Filtering Team Members

Quickly filter Users or search for specific Users.


To search for a User, just type their name or Username in the Search Bar at the top.

Filtering Options

You can filter based on a few options:

  • Administrators - Show all Polarity Administrators

  • Remote Users - Shows User accounts that are authenticated using LDAP or Active Directory

  • Enabled Users - Show all enabled Polarity Users

Disabling Users

Users can be Disabled by clicking on the Actions link for a particular User. This opens a modal where you can uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

Once a User has been Disabled, all of their active Polarity sessions will be automatically terminated.

Disabled Users do not count against your License count.

Managing Groups

A Polarity Group is a collection of Users that is set by a Polarity Administrator.  A Polarity Group is typically comprised of Users that have a specific role.

Polarity Users can set permissions on Channels and Integrations to restrict access to specific Groups and Users.  Polarity Administrators can set access controls over Channels and Integrations by creating a User Group then add Users to those Groups.  The Groups can then be assigned to a Channel or Integration.

See Channel and Integration Permissions for more information about setting permissions on Channels and Integrations.

Creating Groups as an Administrator

Navigate to the Team page link in the left-hand navigation bar:

  1. Click on the Groups tab 

  2. Select the Create Group button which will bring up the Create Group modal.

  3. Add the name of the Group that you want to create along with a description of what that Group's role is.

Editing Groups as an Administrator

From the Team page:

  1. Click on the SETTINGS button for that Group.

  2. There you will be presented with the Groups settings where you can edit the name/description of the Group as well as delete and add Users.

  3. To edit the name/description, click on the Edit icon. To delete the Group, click on the Delete Group button.

Adding Users to Groups as an Administrator

From the Team page:

  1. Click on the SETTINGS button for that Group on the Group page.

  2. Once on the Group options page, click on the Add Users to Group button. This will bring up a view where you can search for Users. 

  3. Click on the Users you want to add to the Group, and they will automatically populate in the top of the view.

  4. When finished adding Users, click the ADD button on the bottom and the Users will now belong to that Group.

Removing Users from Groups as an Administrator

To remove Users from a Group as an Administrator:

  1. Click on the SETTINGS button for that Group on the Group page.

  2. Click the checkbox next to the User(s) you want to remove and select Remove User.

View License Information

Administrators can view the Polarity license status by clicking on the View license info dropdown link located at the top of the Team page.

Clicking on View License Info will allow you to view when your license expires, when it was issued and the number of licensed Users using Polarity.

Disabled Users do not count against your License count.

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