Polarity's REST API
  • 08 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Polarity's REST API

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Article summary

Polarity has been steadily expanding the ways customers can interact with our powerful search product.

Enabling the Polarity REST API Swagger Docs

The following instructions allow you to enable the Swagger Docs for the Polarity Server’s REST API on Polarity Server/Web 5.4.x/5.4.x and above:

  1. Open the /app/.env file for editing.

    1. vi /app/.env

  2. Add the following line to the file:

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the Polarity Server containers.

    1. cd /app && ./down.sh && ./up.sh

Access the Polarity REST API Swagger Docs

To access the Polarity REST API Swagger Docs:

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. Navigate to the following URL:


Replace <your.polarity.server.url> with your Polarity Server’s URL.

Please reach out to Support@Polarity.IO with any questions or if you need any support.

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