Polarity Integrations
  • 03 Jan 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Polarity Integrations

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Article summary

Polarity Integrations connect to third-party data sources and provide real-time awareness of information relevant to recognized entities.

Viewing Installed Integrations

You can access Integrations by navigating to the Integrations page located in the navigation menu on the left side of Polarity.

To navigate to the Integrations page:

  1. Right click on the Polarity icon in the system tray / macOS menu bar

  2. Click the Configure Polarity button.

  3. Select Integrations from under the Advanced Settings menu.

Alternatively, Integrations can be accessed via the Subscriptions page of the Overlay Window.

Click HERE to see all the Integrations that Polarity currently provides.

Working with Integrations

On the Integrations page you will see all Integrations that your Polarity admin has installed on your server and that you have access to.

Each Integration row contains the following information and actions:

  • Integration Name - The Integration name is color coordinated with the color that you have selected for the Integration.

  • Integration Description - Brief description of what the Integration does.

  • Color Picker & Identifier - The Color picker allows you to select a color to represent the Integration. An abbreviated version of the Integration name is used as an identifier. This same abbreviation is displayed in the Polarity Overlay along with the chosen color.

  • Subscription Status - This toggle represents subscription status and allows to you subscribe/unsubscribe from an Integration by clicking on it.

Subscribing to Integrations

You can subscribe to and unsubscribe from Integrations by toggling the On/Off subscribe button on the Integration page.

You can also edit the subscription status directly from the Polarity Overlay.  To do this:

  1. Open the Polarity Overlay and click on the Configure gear icon.

  2. You will now be on the Integrations tab of the Subscriptions page.

  3. Click the ON/OFF toggle of the desired Integration(s).

If you are unsubscribed from an Integration, you will not receive information from it.

If the Integration has been stopped by a Polarity admin, then its row will be blocked out.  You will not receive notifications from a stopped Integration even if you are subscribed to it.

Below is an example of how a stopped Integration would appear on the Integrations page:

Filtering Integrations

On the Integrations page, you can filter Integrations by name using the filter text field at the top of the Integrations page to input your search query.

Filtering Options

You can also use the quick filter to filter out Integrations:

  • My Subscribed Integrations - Displays Integrations you are subscribed to.

  • Running Integrations - Displays all Integrations that are running.

  • Integrations with Errors - Displays Integrations which have returned errors.

Setting Integration Colors

The color set for an Integration will be the color displayed for its notifications that show up in the Polarity Overlay or onscreen highlights.‌

Select the appropriate color from the drop-down menu to change the Integration color.‌

You can also change an Integration's colors directly from the Integrations tab on the Settings page of the Polarity Overlay.​

Integration Settings

Configuring Integrations

Some Integrations require specific configurations such as an API Key, a Username/Password, or a hostname/URL.

Certain Integration settings can only be viewed or edited by your Admin or an Integration Manager.

To configure an Integration, navigate to the Integrations page and click on the Settings button for the appropriate Integration.

Once you have made the necessary configurations, click the Apply Changes button in the top right to save the changes.

Required options can vary depending on the Integration.

If an Integration is missing required options, you cannot be subscribed to the Integration.

On-Demand Integrations

This feature can be used for Integrations that have API key request limits or Integrations that take a while to execute searches.  

On-Demand Integrations are searched when using web search, searching from the Overlay Window search bar, using the On-Demand shortcut key, or using Polarity Focus Mode.

Admins or Integration managers can specify if an Integration only looks up data when an On-Demand lookup has occurred by setting the Integration to On-Demand Only mode. (i.e. the "Search my clipboard" feature). Entities for an Integration that have been set to On-demand only will not be recognized unless an On-demand search is run on them.

To enable On Demand Only, navigate to the Integration options page and select the On Demand checkbox.

On the Integration page, users will see the below view if an Integration has been set to On-Demand only.

You must be subscribed to an on-demand Integration to have it searched when using any on-demand search modes.

See Polarity Recognition Modes for more information about the On-Demand mode.

Managing Integration Data

Users can manage which entity types an Integration receives.

For example, even if an Integration supports recognition for IPv4 and Emails you can set it to only receive IPv4 addresses using the Manage Integration Data option.

This option is only available if your admin has not locked it in that Integration.

The types of data an Integration can receive is dependent on the Integration itself.

To manage Integration data:

  1. Click on the Settings button for the desired Integration

  2. Under Manage Integration Data click the Click Here button.

    1. This shows all entity types that the Integration supports, and which entity types the Integration is currently receiving.

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