How Polarity Works
  • 03 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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How Polarity Works

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Article summary

Everything you need to know to get started.

Polarity Intel Edition displays contextual information via the Polarity Overlay Window.  Returned information is based on the Entities Polarity parses when an On-Demand Search is run.  Which Entities are parsed will depend on the Integrations that a user has subscribed to in Polarity.

Polarity Intel Edition allows users to leverage real-time data from over 50 Intelligence-driven Integrations, enabling analysts to quickly consume the produced intelligence teams work to compile.

  • Entities -- the selectors you're searching for in your data sources

Tips for Improving Recognition

Since Polarity recognizes the content of your screen using machine-learning technology, we recommend setting easily readable fonts and font sizes where possible.

Configuring larger font sizes or increased “zoom” in applications generally increases the accuracy of Polarity entity recognition.

Using consistent fonts and backgrounds across different windows also increases accuracy when using the Highlight overlay functions.

Polarity recognizes most English language characters and some symbols. If you come across any characters that are not being properly recognized, please let us know at

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